Category Archives: whatever

Stuf that I can’t fit anywhere else…

Hold That Thought

I may be playing my first gig plugged in gig  for nearly 18 months at a small festival, so I need to test some gear which I have started doing.  Hopefully it all still works.  It feels quite odd to be preparing for it though. I am a bit worried that it go badly wrong but fingers crossed anyway. Today at the time of writing I have had a messy day where not much seems to have been achieved despite my best efforts. Getting back on my feet after such a long break is an effort. Confidence wanes and all that. I am very likely to run into people I know, which may be a bit weird after so long. Currently I am waiting for a result on my regular covid test as I am rehearsing tomorrow with the Monday band that has not got a name yet, a few have been suggested and are under consideration.  I quite liked the ironic “Stairlift To Heaven”, though it is perhaps too near the truth and just a little bit to close to home. I have the usual level of February grumpiness to contend with too.  I am keeping up with my own personal music adventures along with the other projects too. I was recording today among  everything else I have been trying to sort out. I am stil very much in the one day at a time frame of mind too.  
So here is my most recent effort, a trance and violin instrumental vibe. 

Well some things never change and my anxiety just will not go away. It is  less severe than it was but its their like background noise all the time.   I should be more relaxed as there is much more for me to be positive about again, but the last couple of years have knocked the stuffing out of me.  I guess its the same for many others of course.  I have to try to plan but not worry too much. So I look ahead whilst trying to have no care for the morrow.  Mission impossible. The trees are starting to bud and everything is coming back to life locally. We still have building work going on in the street outside even as we start our 5th year here. Its not too noisy but there seems no end in sight to it. Today they were putting in extra drainage as well. 

‘We know what we are, but know not what we may be.’

(Hamlet, Act 4, Scene 5)

As ever… 

Further On Down the Road

Hello from the hale and ancient. Though I am not justified and I don’t drive an ice cream van.  Though I guess I could of course?  I am not sure really. 65 years old, good grief. It makes you want to have a lie down don’t you think. Yesterday was a good day, some recording during the day on a new song. then a Band rehearsal for my new 60s and 70s cover band that was fairly good.  The sun was out and I didn’t ache too much, so mostly a winner. Freezing in the rehearsal rooms though I must say.  Today I  will be back to recording and practice again and other light duties. I am also waiting for a delivery which is a bit tedious as I cant get on with my recording until it turns up as I won’t hear the door.

I have a new song: 

And there’s more.  I am slowly getting a bit more active socially and seeing people again which is nice but taking a little time to get used to again after a long time.  A new year and its already very different.

Diana Stone in 2022
Diana Stone in 2022

January 2022, What does it mean to you?

A new year. New things in the works as well. Some beginnings and the odd green shoot breaking through the crack in the pavement.
I am a bit knackered generally speaking at present. I have made some new music connections and I do hope they will grow survive the frost.
Its been a long time since I tried anything really new.  Lots of thoughts racing around my head that are not too much to do with anything but are quite distracting and even disturbing at times.  I do wonder how people manage to filter out the distractions as I find with time passing I am more and more easily drawn off course than I ever was before.  Also my ability  to stay focused and enthusiastic for any length of time seems long gone. I am fine when I am working with others  in the main, but alone its now a real battle. Is it simply a a lack of novelty or something more than that? The first song I recorded this year is different as the lyrics were provided by a friend. Its been a long time since i did that sort of collaboration.  It seems to have worked out OK though as a few people have played it already and shared it. Its a relatively simple tune and was an experiment which seems to have succeeded. So perhaps a few more collaborative efforts  could be in the pipe line.


One thing that is much the same is how quiet it is here. The whole worlds asleep after sundown it seems at this time of year in this place. Sitting in music room typing I am almost drifting off to sleep as well.  The trees though already have hints of what will become with  buds showing and other hints of life. One thing that being a city dweller for so many years that I did not really appreciate is how much green there is even in the depths of winter. Its not really bleak at all and I worried that it might be. I am a passive observer of the countryside in the main but do appreciate it.