Monthly Archives: September 2022

Diana says you have to laugh

What’s Fixed and What is not.

My lower back is giving me a lot of trouble at this moment and very much dislikes sitting down it seems. I haven’t had lower back aggravation  for quite a while. That’s something I could really do without. Apart from that its mostly business as usual in the music department and related endeavours at present. The weather has now moved over to an  Autumnal vibe too, so it is now quite a bit cooler. My bijou studio/music room is less chaotic than it was , ever so slightly. My brain not so much though. We have just had a totally surreal budget, which basically gives tax back to the richest one percent of the country and thats just for starters. Britannia, she’s always up for a bit of fiscal stimulation governor..

I found some unused song lyrics and put those to good use  on a recent track I recorded as unexpectedly they fitted well  and were better than what I was going to use for the song.   

So this the aforementioned song:

OK  then on with business, except of course that I never am as I was never much good at it.   

Nothing much else to report. 

September The Middle Bit QE2 and afterwards

It’s I have been busy, with 2 rehearsals, sorting and tidying stuff up and so forth so it’s gone quite quickly. since QE2 set sale unexpectedly this week. It’s a very strange atmosphere though.  This hiatus and stilling of  the world. Shortly my car goes in for an MOT and service. Its old now at 16 years so it’s never a done done deal as to how things will work out or not.  Its done a lot of work for me over the years  so I have had my monies worth out of it for sure. So fingers, legs’ and toes crossed it is. If my car is not viable it will be a bit of a stretch to replace it.  I went to pick up some stuff at a store  which is at the interchange retail park. Weird, very aggressive driving in the car park as people were fighting over spaces. I never go to those places on a weekend normally, and now I remember why. I  have had one of those strange mental health days at the time of writing this. A bit of a wobble. I am not sure why, perhaps due to the very strange atmosphere at present but probably just because. This year has for me been for me personally a lot of false starts, plus a very unpleasant bout of Covid which hit just when I was finally getting back on form again. So today I am a bit fragile. Hopefully it will pass ere the dawn? Today I feel my age. It’s about 16C/60F so way cooler than this time last year.  Also I am no less arthritic either. That of course is no surprise 😲 
The turn of the season also has an effect on the old bones too.

Thank You For Being

Diana Stones Glasscage


I have been churning out recordings (Mine, plus the Delta Ladies and Jon Bickleys and some others stuff) since I got here in 2018 without really trying to rationalise the Music Room/Studio. So for a week or so I am making the effort to try and improve the environment and working space. It’s got a tad chaotic. I have a lot of redundant kit too which I should really start reducing. I did find a couple of gems among unused bits and bobs though. An original Vox phase pedal which sounds ace being one unexpected find. My life is very different now though. I used to do up to 150 gigs a year, but that has long gone now sadly. If only I could still summon that level of energy though is unlikely I think. Fun whilst it lasted though.  But what next. Well a few things are simmering on the stove, but far from cooked yet. Or perhaps a more accurate metaphor would be that there are some promising shoots and budding, but some of the fruit undoubtedly will wither on the vine. 

At the time of writing its QE2 state funeral tomorrow. Whatever one’s views on the British Monarchy it’s quite an event. The Queen is dead. Long live the KIng.

September with Rain

September and its cooler finally.  Here it’s mostly business as usual. Music and more music in various forms. Trying to sort out a few financial concerns and stuff.
Also though I am beginning to wonder about my health and if there is something brewing up that I have not been aware of. So I am thinking maybe I should tie up a few loose ends just in case?  Well you never know what fate might have in store one way or the other.  Luck does not last forever. 

Diana Working Out
Diana Working Out

So hey, remember me this way. And don’t take it all too seriously.