Category Archives: Diana Stones Songs

Diana Stones music

October Musings Part 3

Yes, it’s the next thrilling installment and I bet you just can’t wait.

My reptile part of my brain is convinced of the following: 1) I will die of something awful soon (This thought has been with for years generally and ebbs and flows in it’s intensity like weather patterns ). 2) Something will go wrong and I wont receive my pension, even though I have a piece of paper telling me exactly when and how much. 3) Although my car has a very expensive service and drives smoothly, that it will fail and leave me stranded somewhere. 4)….. In fact I could go on listing stuff forever. It’s really annoying but I have had to deal with feeling like this for what feels like time immemorial. 

A perfect example of an anxiety driven logical fallacy.

At the time of writing I have just added a Violin part to a track sent to me by Jon Bickley and I am pleased to say he likes it.  I tried a slightly different recording set up to simplify things and it worked like a treat. The more I do the more I want to do. That helps when the depression thing kicks in.   It’s a typical autumn day out here almost countryside land, Sunny cool and the  trees giving a decent display of colour as the leaves turn. 

Here is a tune from earlier this year,(February perhaps). Its a Violin and synth tune with a lush orchestration. Its starts slowly and dreamily then the beats kick in. Ideal for dancing around your lounge after too many cans of cheap larger and/or other relaxants.

Musically speaking generally things are going fairly well though still not very much happening on the gig front alas. So another Saturday night in doing solo interpretive dancing because it’s good exercise, though it might look silly. So maybe I am interpreting myself in that case .

Tea is the essence of life, with no tea life would be dull indeed.

September with Rain

September and its cooler finally.  Here it’s mostly business as usual. Music and more music in various forms. Trying to sort out a few financial concerns and stuff.
Also though I am beginning to wonder about my health and if there is something brewing up that I have not been aware of. So I am thinking maybe I should tie up a few loose ends just in case?  Well you never know what fate might have in store one way or the other.  Luck does not last forever. 

Diana Working Out
Diana Working Out

So hey, remember me this way. And don’t take it all too seriously.


Funky Jazzy Music Time

Funky Jazzy Music.

It’s called “We Do It Just LIke This”

Diana Stone Musician and Blogger
Diana Stone Musician and Blogger

Diana Stones Glasscage


We Do It Just Like This

This is not a massive winge, it is rather more about curiosity.

From time to time I submit recordings of tracks for use as library music and radio play and so forth when there are opportunities’ to do so. I make sure I submit a track in the appropriate style/genres that are being requested.What puzzles me is having looked at what has been selected by a certain company after a recent submission to find that the artist they have selected barely even gets their material played? Upon listing to the track they selected its a very bland Craig David/Rap crossover that’s been knocked up with a couple of samples on a laptop, perhaps the criteria is that it should be as un-memorable as possible? For example on one music site where an artist has been selected their tracks have only been played 20 times? It seems odd that they ignore submissions from people with say 12000+ plays? or 88,000… You would expect that they would go first to stuff that’s actually being listened to or is just another music business con perchance where the outcome is already fixed? At my age I should not really be fannying about with stuff but hey… Is it just ageist thing perhaps? Or is it simply that anything which is not “Urban” music is simply ignored?Answers on a postcard please?