Category Archives: Delta Ladies

It’s a mad, mad world

My brain is a bit fried this week. Here is my latest tune. About the weird world of the interwebs sort of I guess. Meaning might though be in the eye of the beholder to an extent in this case perhaps.

Troll Me Susie

It’s a close sort of day cloudy, but also warm. And I am getting a bit bad tempered. I can’t seem to burn off the energy though I have been busy enough. I might be getting a bit hyper or manic perhaps? I am feeling a bit manic today. Not a good place to be in. These things go in cycles often with no rhyme or reason. A bit like anxiety attacks out of the blue. There is usually a trigger though I can’t seem to find it.

The business of creating music goes on, though it must be said some days are a real slog. An idea seems inspired then turns out to be insipid then often turns in to something else entirely if you are lucky. I often wonder what writers do, staring at a blank page. Perhaps repeated trips to the fridge in the hope of calorific or caffinised enlightenment? I drink tea but so much as I used to do.

Make a will if you and your partner are not married.

A tale of woe and English law

My sister is awaiting the distribution of her late partners estate. So far it has taken close to 3 years. She has been to court twice and the Judge ruled that in terms of his estate she should be treated as a spouse. (they were together in total for 40 years). Her concerns have also unsettled me. It is the case that she has missed various communications from her solicitors or has misunderstood them as they have not been clear or concise. She is finding it difficult to keep on top of things. There is virtually nothing that I can do to help her out. It may still be the case that the amount left in the estate is substantial but the final settlement and the amount has still not being made clear. Personally I do think it unreasonable that solicitors cannot clarify these matters in the simple form so that she might be able to plan going forward. She has multiple serious health issues to contend with. If the worst come to the worst we may have to put her up here but it will cause considerable friction. She would though then be homeless so we might be able to get some traction with local housing authorities though her fear is that they might place her in an OAP home as she now has multiple health problems. With regard to any moneys from the estate the solicitors can deduct any money owing first in law. So she could come out with very little which is perfectly legal in the UK. All this makes me feel rather sad.

I spoke to her today. I told her that she must ring the solicitors and ask directly when they will be paying the money out or if they are not why not They said they had the money from the court last week.I can’t get involved as I am not the client so they have no obligation to speak to me. I am trying very hard not get involved but is stressing me a lot. She has not got enough money to live on now. Her pensions do not cover the trips to hospital and so forth. She is still chasing her money. The court made the award for an interim payment 65 days ago on at the time of writing this.

Independence Day or Silly Walks Day?

A little bit of both I guess so far. I am stil struggling a bit mental health wise again. I get stuck as something triggers me then I get obsessed with it. Some things are hard to ignore. Its polling day here in the U of K July the 4th. I voted by post 3 weeks ago but that vote is unlikely to affect the outcome as its a conservative safe seat where I live.

I have got out and played live a couple of times and its cheered me up a bit, at least temporarily. But today’s a very rainy day so I am going nowhere. Just watching the rain.

With Orchard at The Red Lion Stevenage playing some Saw Doctors Songs

Well we now have a new government. It’s better than what we had but over the longer term who knows what it will actually be able or will to do? Sadly much of what I would wish for will not be coming to pass. Also there is an enemy within. There are now elected far right neo fascists as elected Mps. So there is a seed of real evil. The fertile ground for it was laid and nourished by the last government with its pandering to racist and nationalist views to gain votes. Once something like this has taken route there is no easy way to stop it spreading.
Britain has always had a proportion of isolationist and often xenophobic people and one only has to look back to very recent history to see that. The only way to help stop this is to speak out against it. I am not confident that will happen.

In other news I stagger on with my musical machinations. “Its music Jim but not as we know it” some might say…

You Can Never Go Back

Orchard took a trip out to Pete Suttons open mike at The Farmer’s Boy, St Albans and we played a few songs and jolly good fun it was so thanks for having us. I remember the Farmers Boy well as it was one of the regular places for Elephant Shelf and The DELTA LADIES a while back. I think I last played there about 2013 so a very long time ago. A very hot day and I was in a real brain fog when I got there but I woke up when we actually started to play. Odd to be back and find nothing changed in 10 years or so. However it was a pleasant diversion for a summer evening and we got some decent applause. I don’t feel as though much will come of it through. “Do or do not, there is no try” though I guess.

It's not where you start its where you finish. Ford Popular.

It’s not where you start it’s where you finish.

The very hot weather of the last couple of days has abated which is a relief. But now there is a very high pollen level. Sniff, sniff, drip, drip…
I am working on a new track in between the above. Slow trancy synth stuff with a vocal. Not sure if I like it yet, but it’s growing on me. Maybe with a bit of fettling it might work out. Anyway back to the future is just a movie sadly. We can’t really go back and fix what’s F******d. Can we make it? I am not sure.

“Divine Ruler, to whom peace belongs. Master of Peace, Creator of all things. May it be thy will to put an end to war and bloodshed on earth, and to spread a great and wonderful peace over the whole world, so that nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore”.