Hitting The Wall

After an OK week, I had a bit of a slump today though and missed out on a musical opportunity, that I was looking forward to but my head was not in the right place at all. Its frustrating but these things happen from time to time and one should follow ones instincts as its often in the long term the safest thing for maintaining friendships in the longer term. I am re-recording an old song I wrote in 1996. I think I might have actually nailed it this time (fingers and toes crossed) though. So I shall present it here, written in 1996.
A Piano and vocal ballad. “Thinking Of Writing You A Letter”

Its been a struggle today though.

A Quiet Week In Great Denham

I have had a rather low key week and been at home for most of it. Working on music and related activity’s. My moods been Ok despite the damp weather triggering my arthritis.
I started very gently getting back in to my exercise routine this morning as though I am active I have missed it for a couple of weeks, mostly due to loosing the motivation as much as anything else. It does help physically and psychologically I feel. At this time of year I think it is an essential really. But motivation is lacking.

But I do have a Christmas tree, although a very small one. We will have no reckless excess in this house.

In a moment of madness I brought a new keyboard I last brought one in about 2013 so I guess it is excusable really. Nothing fancy but a useful additional to my arsenal both for recording and live performances. My new year resolution ought to be to get out and do the odd live solo live performance in the Bedford area occasionally. I am getting out and doing a bit of stuff with the other acts though of course. If I am spared (perhaps) as a reclusive local friend often says.
I have fallen in to a bit of a routine pattern recently. Most days I start writing a blog entry which seems to help keep my thoughts in order, or at least gets them out of my head where they tend to cause severe congestion in the synaptic pathways. Hopefully also helping me not to repeat the mistakes of personal history maybe?

Looking back at what could I have done differently in life, well there are loads of things with the benefit of hindsight of course, but perhaps it would not have been so much fun. But its all a roll of the dice when you look at , and often not too many rational measured decisions. Often there seemed to be no time to think then. Now there is too much time it seems.

Seasons Groanings

Other peoples lives always look better (Or worse) on social media don’t they? I have had a pretty much life long struggle with mental health issues. Sometimes the demons win and sometimes I do. Often its a slightly wary and anxious truce ready to be triggered by some random incident that can’t be dealt with. Lack of control in my life certainly is often the thing that pushes the buttons. I am still here just about. Often I do wonder how I have managed to stick around this long really. Getting the balance right between staying in a safe space and getting on with life is not always easy. Often due to life circumstances I do find social situations difficult as whilst I like people I don’t have the knack of mixing easily, much as I would like to. So I do what I can when I can, usually a long the lines of “Feel the fear and do it anyway”. These days I don’t take any meds for my mental well being. I had spent about 15 years or so on various SSRI’s (Fluoxetine, Citalopram, Prozac, with apologies to a few others I forgot to mention). Yes, they did help in crisis quite a lot. Long term they were and can be a problem for me personally as they tended to cause a little too much disinhibition. Its nice to have adventures but sometimes they can end up being self destructive.

Oddly I find that Facebook’s groups like the depression or anxiety fora are not so helpful though they logically should be. My experience has been that in most places support for depression is often little more than lip service sadly. The truth is that people like myself may well not be able to do productive work for extended periods of time and frankly most employers outside the public sector can’t accommodate that long term. I can do stuff, but even disregarding my age I couldn’t do a full time day job too well. I would turn up but would often be late or simply have brain fog days where I couldn’t do much or get in a sudden panic under pressure or loose my temper….

The notion that we can all do useful work that the government has is fanciful. Remploy and similar organisations did work for some people giving them a bit of purpose and dignity. Also without sounding like an entitled elitist git, there us a difference between experiencing depression between say a person with 136 IQ and some body with just enough mental horse power to function though the suffering is real enough. Someone like myself is able to pursue far more actively therapeutic interventions solo, where as others will need “carers” of some description just to function of course. I can write great opuses and songs an inflict my misery on the world, but some other poor souls may have nothing but banging there head or someone else’s against the wall in despair?

My mood is sort of neutral at present to be honest. I have been doing the usual stuff music and so forth. I brought a new keyboard (from amazon), not that expensive but it will do a few things that the others don’t. Its the first new bit of music kit since 2008, and I am still figuring out how to use it properly. It will be ideal for solo efforts live as well as recordings. Its lightweight and portable. £260 but equivalent or slightly better one that I use live that cost me £800 in 2008. I am ticking over really. it was a nice sunny but cold day at least as I was out briefly. No musical outings scheduled until Friday the 15th (next rehearsal). There is an Irish pub thing on Sunday I could go to if I get desperate for a live music fix in Bedford though.

And in conclusion I hate Christmas, but its nothing personal. Ho, Ho, Ho, go and jingle your bells elsewhere you noisy lot….