Category Archives: piano works

Still Dreaming because We Must

Yes, Still dreaming. It’s been a funny week with a lot of miscommunication and confusion. Hopefully this will pass. I have been recording in my studio or expanded broom cupboard
as usual, but the muse is tricky and hard to find. I have half finished stuff in process of course as ever.

Diana Stone sitting at the Piano.

Well never mind, Charlie gets to wear a big shiny hat tomorrow which is a cause of excitement for some. Me, not so much. I shall watch as its a hysterical event, (sorry I meant historical I think ) though with a few republican protests it might make a more varied TV show. Can’t wait to see them baton charging middle age middle class republican academics and pensioners, bring back the SPG, that’s what I say. Merry England where sculls crack under the boot. “What larks eh Pip”

The King would find the idea of people paying homage to him during his Coronation “abhorrent”, the broadcaster Jonathan Dimbleby believes.

“During the service, the Archbishop of Canterbury will ask “all who so desire, in the Abbey, and elsewhere, [to] say together: I swear that I will pay true allegiance to Your Majesty, and to your heirs and successors according to law. So help me God.”

For the first time, the public are being given an active role in the ceremony as they are invited to swear allegiance to the King. I would totally go for being revered, and I think I could be quite good at monarching or whatever its called. Dimbleby, a close friend of the King, told BBC R4’s Today programme he has “never wanted to be revered”. Well suit yourself mate but I think a spot of forelock tugging never did any harm or did it?

In other news. Just say no. You know you want to. I am happy with Bedford in the main and its workable for music stuff I have going on. Plus I quite like the countryside hereabouts and it’s all on hand. More space would be nice of course but really the only disadvantage here is not being able to get a “real” piano in the place. that reminds me I must make enquires as to were to get use of a decent piano for videos and stuff. I put my most recent live piano video on TikTok and since last night its clocked up 1777 plays. Piano videos seem very popular. I wish there was a way to exploit this more usefully. So far I have not come up with anything nearer than London where I could get my hands on a “real” Piano. It is mostly peaceful here and I get to do what I want when I want. That’s something I have never had before. On my French trips I could go for a stroll get a bit of sun and not meet a soul. Thats was a huge contrast to living in a tiny flat in a very busy part of central London. Here its often very quiet and at first it was great but sometimes its a bit weird. I am not a natural hermit. Its shame there is not a pub that is a safe walk away from home.

Recently at Biggleswade M&S. A women stopped me on the escalator “Della Ladies, remember me from the Red Lion” Can’t get away from it but I do miss that band as much fun was had over the 17 years of various incarnations of the band.

Someday Maybe

The sun is out. I hope wherever you are you are having a good day. I read a couple things in the news today that made me feel very sad. I will not bother to quote them here as tomorrow no doubt they will replaced with other similar stuff that is just as destressing to see. There is a lot of hate out there in the world generally and a lot of it is based on lies promulgated by what used to called the popular press and self serving politicians from all parties many of whom actually seem to have zero idea of how many people live and often struggle to live. They pick random groups to target and make the other. The constant cry’s that “Those people are the cause of all your troubles” and another group of victims is created and made the other When I read it just makes me feel tired, and that there is nothing much left to believe in at times.

1 Corinthians 16:14
Let all that you do be done in love.

2 Corinthians 9:6-8
Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.

3 Ecclesiastes 4:9-12
Two are better than one because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up. Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm. But how can one keep warm alone? Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken. –

Prelude To Winter

It’s starting to get cold now. Ouch. Life goes on with a few hiccups along the path.

There is plenty going on on various musical fronts, so that’s all good. I am in 4 different acts, all very different, which hopefully get busier next year. A slight hiatus though, due to the guitar player in one band fracturing a finger and the drummer twisting their wrist and no they were not having a fight.  In my folk act the guitar player has got a kidney infection. But overall I have a lot more going on now than I did a few months back creatively so that’s good. Other than that its business as usual over all. Finances are a bit iffy till next year so I am mostly doing stuff that does not cost too much to do socially. That’s OK though.

So here is a tune.

It’s a Piano and Keys thing, that sort of wrote it self the other week as they often do, whilst I was thinking about something completely different.

A memory from a few years back. No special reason for putting it here except it’s a fun picture with happy smiling people in it. We all need to do more smiling don’t you think.