Category Archives: whatever

Stuf that I can’t fit anywhere else…

Post Covid First Gig And Stuff

I managed to get through the gig OK and it was fun. I am still a bit fatigued though. But hey I enjoyed it and that’s the point really. Also a friend who is quite reclusive came along and watched the first set which is nice. I didn’t know they were there though until the next day 🙂 I did make a couple of mistakes, but I think that was due to not being 100% well. I hate it when that happens though. Today I am starting to tidy up my web server finally. A lot of stuff is totally redundant now. it’s going to be a long and boring job though and I should have done this about 10 years ago, so its more than a little overdue. I don’t really do web development now and many of my hand coding skills are simply not required except to fix stuff that is broken.

I found an old song that’s due for re-recording so I shall start working on it this week and see what I can make of it with a new approach as it was written about 20 years ago now. I am somewhat distracted today though but I may get started with that. It’s not so much brain fog as simply a case of inertia I think.

Meanwhile here is another song from last year that a few people liked just to keep you going.

I am still drifting a bit. I am managing to do stuff but I really just don’t seem to have any sort of drive left now. I am not so anxious but also can’t seem to summon that proper focused concentration so easily. I guess that’s aging to an extent. On TikTok someone described me as Marge Simpsons sister Selma Bouvier. Hell yes, I am going to own it 🙂

Definitely a good look. America fascinates me but I have only been to NYC a couple of times and doubt I will ever see more of the place apart from via YouTube and Streetview and of course the mythical USA via movies.

I just managed to get a very dynamic vocal sound on a track. My voice is definitely changing a bit now. Go me. Sort of.

It’s Not Been The Best Week

Some good news, we got our washing machine replaced. Apart from that not much. Also I finally tested negative for covid this afternoon, so that at least is a plus. But otherwise an annoying and somewhat difficult week, and I still feel crap. My voice is just about still here. Otherwise I am still very fatigued, which is I suppose to be expected though.

Below is a new tune for your listening pleasure.

I posted a couple of songs on TikTok. It’s a weird place. People are starting to use my music there a bit too. It’s an interesting experiment though how useful it is who knows? But usually all publicity is good publicity as they say. The comment’s are very odd at times. But hey that’s life.

Going Forward Then Boldly?

My Covid is slowly abating thank goodness though I am pretty fatigued so my plan for world domination is going to be delayed again ever so slightly. Everything aches but I am just about functional though a little bit more chaotic than usual. My brains a bit fried so i may not be too creative right now. I haven’t seen the Aurora. There might be a slight chance of it being visible tonight though I am not holding my breath. I notice that in the last couple of years a lot of internet content seems to be disappearing behind paywalls which is a shame as it means I no longer get to see a lot of stuff as an older person(pensioner/senior) on a limited income I simple can’t afford to set up multiple subscriptions for stuff much as I would like to be able to support independent writers and journalists.

I am feeling better but very fatigued and hopefully the Covid is almost gone. It peaked on the day I actually got the positive test result, so its lasted about 9 days from start to finish. That’s not to bad as when I had it in 2022 it was very severe and I was ill for nearly 3 weeks. Also then it left me quite wobbly and fatigued for about a month. Last night I glanced a loft a couple of times but alas no aurora. I also watched a few minutes of the new Dr Who. I expect I give that a go on Iplayer at some point. I also thought I would listen to the Eurovision winning song. Not really my sort of thing being an ageing Prog rock, Folk and Jazz/ Classical music fan. But clever production and all that. As for the dancing up and down the weird wobbly disc thing, fair play but Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers would have done it better. Also would not have worn those shoes with that frock 😉

Disclaimer: All opinions are those of a grumpy 67 year old still trying to navigate through an uncertain and contrarian existence whilst also avoiding existential crisis and exorbitant utility bills.