Category Archives: whatever

Stuf that I can’t fit anywhere else…

The light of a 1000 Stars

Time might just be getting a little used up by now I think. A new song and I may take a little break as the creative well feels pretty dry and needs replenishing. My mind is in freefall now I think.

Loves the thing in short supply often in our go get em neo lib capitalist world. I want world peace and a huge bank balance. Of course I do, don’t you. If only it was that simple.

Just keep you fingers crossed something will change. What else is there? At the heart of peaceful neighborly relations lies the recognition of individuality. Each neighbor brings a unique set of values, traditions, and perspectives to the table. Or do they. Perhaps they desperately try to fit in. Embracing this diversity should make our collective tapestry inclusive and open doors to a wealth of experiences and insights. Rather than viewing differences as barriers, we should celebrate them as opportunities for learning and growth but that is often really hard.

Living peacefully with our neighbors while respecting their differences is not just an aspiration but a fundamental aspect of harmonious coexistence within communities. In a world characterized by diversity in culture, beliefs, and practices, fostering mutual respect and understanding becomes imperative for cultivating a tranquil environment where everyone can thrive. In essence, living peacefully with our neighbors while respecting their differences is not merely a utopian ideal but a practical imperative for building thriving communities and possibly the survival of the human race. By cultivating a culture of understanding, respect, kindness, and cooperation, we pave the way for a brighter, more inclusive future where diversity is celebrated, and harmony prevails.

Embracing a mindset of cooperation and collaboration promotes mutual benefit and collective well-being. Working together on common goals and initiatives strengthens community ties and fosters a sense of belonging. Whether it’s organizing neighborhood events, participating in community projects, or simply lending a helping hand, collaboration reinforces the notion that we are all in this together we hope, although I am pretty sure some of us are not.

Painted Smiles

Especially for winter. The Valentine’s day post. There are a lot of very lonely people about of a certain age it seems.

Here be monsters, when I read the news. Its not getting any better. You can it seems die of innocence in many parts of the world. On my drive to rehearsals the signs of an early spring are popping up. Its also very warm again for this time of year. A sign that the world is changing perhaps? Tell me if you have heard this one before. My body complains as ever so no change there. I am finding it difficult to keep up the effort to exercise daily, but hopefully over all I am doing enough.

Currently I am working on a new solo piano tune running through various variations on a theme. I will let it ferment a while.

Talking of ferment. Mostly things are jogging along reasonably OK as in having fun with music and having a bit of regular social contact. Really I can’t complain on that score. What’s going on in the world upsets me greatly. Gaza obviously. Ukraine I saw on a BBC news report is having munitions shortages now which makes me think that Putin “winning” is now very lightly indeed. Even Labour winning a couple of by-elections relatively locally did not give me much chear, as IMO as I feel they one simply by not being as awful as the other lot.

And as I type this:
“Jailed Russian opposition politician Alexei Navalny dead, says prison service” Well no surprise there really. They got him in the end though they took their time about it..

I had a quick panic about possible unpaid bills and of course having checked I had indeed paid them on time. What triggered it was having more money than expected. Of course it’s now a year since having a reasonable stable income that is not dependent on music and performance.
My emotional brain has not caught up with my logical one yet it seems.

Saturday Random Thoughts

Free will, does it exist? Search me. Well actually I would rather you didn’t unless we have been formally introduced. A typical day. A little bit of practise and rehearsal and publicity stuff (a quick piano video). And a slight headache too. I am doing a slightly more rigorous exercise regime at home now most days. Not sure its making any difference but one has to try. And I am tired again. Ho hum

This song “Tin foil hat on 1234” from last month seems to have been very popular, which is always a nice feeling. I have no idea what is about though, rather like many politicians recent speeches I have heard.

“Sometimes it’s good to remember, but not good to kiss and tell. I remember the things you did with when you had your wicked way and played the merry hell. But you left me with a smile on my face and just a little guilt. Often I was exhausted by your overwhelming ego and you passions that I could with stand, but oh those times were grand.”

So once more around the park, though I have not now much spark. I will remember the snow in Reims and red wine, a motel and your loving grace“.

D.Stone 2024

The years come round quickly now I find. It looks like I am going to have a few gigs this year again. It should be fun I hope. 🙂 I need to get to a couple of local events from time to time. So I shall try and aim at that. If I had a few more local music mates I would be happy as a pig in shit. With the nice country side and so forth. I have a place I can make music in that’s warm and sound proof, shops and a pharmacy on the doorstep. If I can’t drive one day cabs will come here. So I am OK for the foreseeable. I don’t have any real hankering to go back to london other than for the occasional visit. The nearest I have got for quite a while is Enfield.
I have had a bit of a revelation: Why am I depressed? 1) Arthritis as the pain of that is tiring and does slow you down. 2) Getting tired/not having the energy and motivation to go to social or other music related events. 3) Not sleeping so well 4) Winter 5) Too much thinking about what I have lost due to the ravages of time. 6) Not enough shaging or rather zero, as also 1 on the list the arthritis also rather takes the fun out of that at times (not that I can remember that far back). Monogamy is overrated or was that monopoly 😉 I am still seeking counselling, but on a very basic level what I am really missing is a friend thats local. Not that you are not of course a friend but rather someone that is more attuned to my lifestyle, interests. If I were still London there would be people I could hang out with. I always feel much better having been to a rehearsal with people. My partner stops me from being lonely but our interests are very different so whilst we are company its not really enough. She will come back happier after her weekend away, though she won’t be able to quantify what she gained from it. It will simply be the effect of being part of a like minded social cohort.

Warning: Some or all of the above content may contain traces irony