Or not keeping up, that is the question. I am keeping busy. Actually on reflection much busier than I actually thought I was it turns out. over the past 25 years I have recorded about 500 plus songs and instrumentals it turns out. It keeps me off the streets as they say. And I shall carry on with as long as I can. These days I don’t do too much else.
The tune above is a bit of proggy cosmic noodling style stuff with violin and synth and what have you.
I write this blog and moan and winge and about the fates a bit of course too. I wonder how it looks to an outsider reading it? Boring and tedious perhaps or a deep insight into the nature of human existence. You the jury decide 🙂
I have definitely done myself some mischief somehow and I am having lot of problems with my right arm and shoulder. It feels like some sort of sprain. I did start working in the studio but taking it very easy. Its a real nuisance. Maybe I need to take a little time out . I feel also a bit stuck and at the point where I might start repeating myself. Effectively 18 months of navel gazing is a becoming an issue creatively. Also lack of external input of course. It feels rather like being becalmed on a ship perhaps or maybe a hotel with all the comforts of home or more but you can’t leave although you can see people going about their normal business at a distance. You cannot directly interact with them though of course
At the time of writing this I have had to cancel a rehearsal for making a performance video and move it to Saturday when I hope I shall be in better fettle. I am doing regular covid tests at present. As of today I don’t have it. I would like to get an anti bodie test though as they are available now so I have applied to be part of the research program. It may be interesting.
More dreadful news from Afghanistan again today. It’s quite difficult to process as recent history is poised to repeat itself again. No doubt with much suffering and loss of life. Will there ever be a solution? Its seems unlikely.
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