The world keeps turning and getting further and further away from the one that I recognise or understand. Should I shut my eyes and ears to all of it? Maybe for a while, though it’s very hard. I do care about stuff but I can’t take too much more bad news to be honest. So I am just concentrating on recording and gigs and music. The day to day stuff. The mundane. So here is my latest recording.
Stuff that Dreams Are Made Of
Never give a sucker an even break. Indeed. We have its seems a school boy prime minster but he is no match for PItt the younger I venture.
“William Pitt the Younger was a British statesman, the youngest and last prime minister of Great Britain from 1783 until the Acts of Union 1800 and then first prime minister of the United Kingdom from January 1801. He left office in March 1801, but served as prime minister again from 1804 until his death in 1806.”
Now that’s what you call young. PM at 24

Meanwhile elsewhere there can be no peace, we are told.
The world is broken it seems.
Lord, make me an instrument of your peace: where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; where there is sadness, joy.
Francis of Assisi

A friend said,
Old age is said to be “a shipwreck”, and I do find it involves loss of what were once comforting certainties. I’m sure everyone experiences this to some degree. Its not our world any more, and we have to find our own way forward. Yes I think I will have to agree with that now.
And today its raining too. I am no longer running or trying to keep up. I just do what I do. Success or lack of it has in the last few month’s seemed to become a trivial matter of no importance.
I make my noises and I am happy if people like them too.
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