Category Archives: glass cage

June Musings or Thereabouts

Paying it forward. I was thinking about this today. Does it ever work? It mighty be worthy, it might even  make you feel better about yourself but I cant say that as far as I am aware personally anything ever comes back in my direction. Maybe I have had my share of good fortune and this is as good as it gets. I read a Sci Fi/Fantasy short story where I think a guy who had a lot of bad luck asked why and was informed by some supernatural being that it was simply because all the available  good luck had been used up. Perhaps that is how it works. Its all relative I guess and whilst I may bemoan my present state for many other it might well be  for them comparatively a state of bliss. If I were more successful I could do more in the way of good generally though perhaps?  A compilation of a few tunes below for your potential aural gratification.  One has to be so careful with the spelling. 

I have had a bit of a bad mental health day but its sorting itself out now finally. Its weird how these thing sneak up on you. Stuff suddenly triggers you and off you go raving and drooling and if you are very unlucky you end up scoring an own goal or two just to put the icing on the cake. I have been lucky for a while with that sort of thing for a few months, so I suppose I cant complain too much.

And the war in Ukraine rumbles on still sadly.

As Will wrote
“Our doubts are traitors and make us lose the good we oft might win by fearing to attempt.”


A recent recording of a song I wrote in the 90s

Here is a song, “Under the Skin” I wrote a few years ago around 1996. I though it was about time that I re-recorded it so this is the latest version which I did last week. The guitar parts were played on my trusty old 70s Aria Pro II which I got from LA guitars many years ago and it makes a jolly good noise that I am very pleased with when it is called to action. My guitar playing may be a bit rusty at times. 🙂
If you have an idle moment please do take a listen.