Category Archives: glass cage

Busy Times

So lots going on and I am doing live gigs again. At present its still all very much an experiment to see what works and what doesn’t though.
I played 2 gigs on last Saturday and that was a bit of an effort but it was OK.  I was worried that my voice would not hold up, but much to my amazement it did.
A very late finish and a lot of driving was involved though. 

Well, I can honestly say I feel totally knackered. Aching legs perhaps due to standing up and singing plus a 315 mile round trip drive to the gigs and back. I think I did about 70% of the vocals on both gigs but the voice held out OK. I played Keyboards and Violin and even did a bit of electric guitar on two numbers. So I am now outed as a guitar player. I sang a song solo too as Jans back was having a wobble. I now know how it is that I have ended up feeling so out of condition these days. When we were gigging back in the day I would have worked my body quite hard, loading and out plus the gig it self. That must be why I used to weigh a stone less or more on average. The pains I have are the typical aches one gets after strenuous exercises, rather than stabby or burning or bruised types of Arthritis ones.

I did wake up with cramp in my foot. 2 hours driving continuously may be the reason for that, as I was in 5th for nearly 80 miles worth of the trip on the way back. I like Jan, she is like having a talented but somewhat loopy younger sister.

Here is a  recent music effort for you all.  A bit of cosmic ambient whimsy with Violin.

Mental health is stil an issue, all those little voices that constantly whisper doom and destruction in my ears as soon as I try to do anything. they don’t really go away. They can be quieter at times though.