Category Archives: glass cage

The Spirit of 67

So I am 67 years and tears and fears old today. The world is looking very dangerous and unstable again.
Will we be in a 3rd world war by 2027? I could see it happening. Grim.
I am just sitting here feeling extra special crazy today.

Be that as it may at least for today life goes on or rather some lives do for the lucky ones.
I have been putting a lot of effort into working on various musical stuff in the last month and today my concentration is completely gone. My brain feels a bit fried as in more so than usual to be honest.

  • Diana Stone Musician & composer Violin Piano Guitar Vocals
    Diana is a performing composer and muscian playing Piano Violin & Guitar. She currently plays with the Rock/Roots band Elephant Shelf and also the Delta Ladies who mix roots acoustic music and electronica. She composes in a variety of styles from pop to rock to Jazz and and classical music.Diana is also expert in multi-media recording and music production.
  • What I am doing today
    Well apart from installing word press, a few other things. I am just off to visit Wilton’s Music Hall in E1 which is becoming very popular at the moment.
  • wit and wisdom!
    > Few can wear white except Brides & sacrificial virgins>> > Its not so lonesome in the saddle since I ‘came out’ on the range>> > Due to my vegetarian diet of beans they called me Loathsome Cowboy Joe>> >You can take a horse to water but its quicker crossing in a boat >>
  • Leaving the Comfort Zone >>
    Date Posted: April 2 2008 I did my last day at the office on Friday and had the obligatory leaving drink and presentation which was embarassing but I was also quite touched as I had not really expected it.A lot of folks turned up and I do feel a tinge of regret as I was … Continue reading Leaving the Comfort Zone >>
  • Birthday blues
    Date Posted: 15th January 2008 Current mood: quixotic January and my Birthday approaches. I shall be making efforts to ignore it as much as possible in the vain hope that it will go away, as time seems to be passing very quickly now. I am still up to the usual rubbish. Its a great relief … Continue reading Birthday blues

Fluffy Pink Dream Land

Here are chatGPTs reasons or excuses… Not entirely convincing to be honest.

People can let you down and disappoint for various reasons, and it’s essential to recognize that individuals are complex and influenced by different factors. Here are some common reasons why people may let you down:

And here is a song: Fluffy Pink Dreamland
Just for you 🙂

  1. Communication breakdown:
  • Misunderstandings and lack of clear communication can lead to unmet expectations and disappointment.
  • Unrealistic expectations:
  • Sometimes, people may not be aware of your expectations, or they may have unrealistic expectations themselves, leading to disappointment when reality doesn’t align with those expectations.
  • Different priorities:
  • People have different priorities in life, and what might be important to you may not hold the same significance for someone else. This misalignment can lead to letdowns.
  • Lack of commitment:
  • Some individuals may struggle with commitment, whether it’s to relationships, responsibilities, or promises. This can result in disappointment when they fail to follow through.
  • Personal issues:
  • Everyone faces personal challenges and difficulties. External factors such as stress, health issues, or personal problems can impact someone’s ability to meet expectations.
  • Incompatibility:
  • Differences in values, goals, or lifestyles can lead to disappointment, especially when those differences become apparent over time.
  • Selfishness:
  • Some people may prioritize their needs and desires over others, leading to actions that let others down.
  • Lack of empathy:
  • Insufficient understanding or empathy towards your feelings and needs can result in behavior that causes disappointment.
  • Poor time management:
  • Some people struggle with managing their time effectively, leading to delays, missed deadlines, or unfulfilled promises.
  • Fear of commitment or failure:
    • Fear can hinder people from fully committing to relationships or responsibilities, causing them to let others down to avoid potential failure or disappointment.
  • Changing circumstances:
    • Life is dynamic, and unexpected changes in circumstances, such as job loss or family issues, can affect someone’s ability to fulfill commitments.
  • Lack of accountability:
    • Some individuals may find it challenging to take responsibility for their actions or admit when they fall short, contributing to disappointment.

It’s important to approach these situations with empathy, understanding that people may have their own struggles and reasons for their actions. Open communication and managing expectations can help mitigate disappointment in relation

But maybe sometimes….

January and all that

Well its arrived again, I am sure we had one only 12 months ago. Dull, Cold and Grey like a Dickensian firm of solicitors. I have been clearing out old papers, bill and similar in the feint hope that the place would look less of a mess, but its hasn’t worked. So far I have 2 gigs in the book for next year. Not a lot but at least its not zero. The world is a complicated and contradictory place at times. Particularly the human condition and the strange, wants needs desires and impulses that arise from our fleshy being. Many of us are left with itches that are far too dangerous to scratch. Its hard not to succumb. The temptation is there though trying to pull us off our true compass heading and straight on to the rocks. Or perhaps that is just me….
Trying not to go mad in winter. It ought to be a self help book really.

Here is a new song. I bet you never saw that one coming 🙂 What’s it all about. As usual only you the listener can decide of course. There may be clues in the lyrics of course.
Its Called “I Am So Easily Lead”

I often find getting started each day very difficult, but by the evening I am usually quite lively and this used to work in my favour when I was playing gigs as I would often get home at 03.00. Now I am so often just watching YouTube. Times have really changed a lot for me. At the moment I am watching the Avengers (Steed and Mrs Peel) that is, not the Marvel crowd. Its a great looking show but very much of its time of course.

Theoretically I could do some music recording and production at any time of day almost. If am recording it might take a day or a week depending on what it is. So I might do an hour one day and 5 the next. And not at any particular time, so I could be doing something at midday or not start till the afternoon. It al depends on the day and what I am working on. Sometimes I may just stop and do something unrelated for a while. I don’t have any hard and fast rules. Sometimes you need to be inspired and you just get stuck of course. I do have motivation aplenty a lot of the time. Stuff gets done but not too any particular timetable or order though.

Here are my most recent tracks: