Category Archives: glass cage

Hold Fast The Storm Will Pass

Well I do hope so. So here’s a song about madness in my dreams which is currently the case. At least after the most recent ones, which have been very hard work indeed. I recorded this just over a year ago and this is the mastered version. Its a dark psych folk sort of vibe. Whatever that means.

I have had some very unsettling dreams recently and they are putting me a little out of sorts. I hope it eases a bit. I am on a nostalgia kick again or rather my mind is at present. It’s a bit unsettling to be honest. I don’t want to forget the good stuff, but I don’t want to be bound by the past either. This time of year is always a struggle to keep my head together. I have had the exercise bike for a week now and it’s starting to be part of daly the routine. I won’t be winning any endurance medals just yet though. Anything that can boost the endorphins is good though I reckon.

Sometimes trying to fix things doesn’t work. An example: after the Delta Ladies finally turned up its collective toes in Feb 2020 I only started finding new musical collaborators when I officially retired it. So by stopping I was able to start again My occasional gigs with Jan under the “New Delta Ladies” banner is really somewhat of an anomaly though a fun and pleasant one. When I hit a really bad patch at work post depression in the Civil Service I moved sideways into a different job and that allowed me to get going again. I think it is in my nature to persevere but sometimes that’s the wrong approach and I get mired down putting energy into dead ducks and lame horses. Its not always possible to judge when to throw in your hand and leave the table….

I watched a new film (released in December 2023) last night “Jules” with Ben Kingsley: I really enjoyed it. Its Sci Fi comedy but it’s also about ageing. Milton (Ben Kingsley) is dealing with the start of memory loss. Much in resonated with me, in terms of the stage of life I am now in. That film was almost like a therapy session for me. I would recommend it wholeheartedly 🙂

One of my greatest worries is appearing flakey and unreliable. At present I do feel a bit vulnerable in that respect. I feel I have slowed down a lot recently and I am not too sure how to handle it. Small things are knocking me off course more than they used to and the lack of certain imperatives that are no longer relevant has meant loss of a degree of dogged determinism with life goals now being more fluid and not solely focused on financial stability as an overarching imperative anymore.

In-between typing my semi-literate ramblings here I have been working on a new song. I feel my voice is not what it was in many respects at present but that it does work well enough on recordings which are though a very different art to that of live performance in general. I feel that my voice has possibly had some long term change post covid but of course it might simply be the passing of the time? It is really hard to tell. But the key thing in a recording is how it works as a whole, and often somehow things do turn out to be more than the some of the parts in unexpected but serendipitous ways. In-between typing my semi-literate ramblings here I have been working on a new song. I feel my voice is not what it was in many respects at present but that it does work well enough on recordings which are though a very different art to that of live performance in general. I feel that my voice has possibly had some long term change post covid but of course it might simply be the passing of the time? It is really hard to tell. But the key thing in a recording is how it works as a whole, and often somehow things do turn out to be more than the some of the parts in unexpected but serendipitous ways. I shall keep on employing guile and cunning where possible to bridge any gaps in technique with slight of hand and the old magic.

Bureaucracy and the filling of forms.

I am currently try to help my sister move nearer to me. Its may have to be some form of social housing. So far the amount of form filling has been prodigious! I do wonder how anyone gets through this stuff to be honest. One form which is still not completed has taken 4 hours.
I cannot imagine how for example a homeless person with limited resources would be able to manage this.

Here is some music to fill in in forms by.

Time Running Out

Combatting hopelessness can be a challenging journey, but there are several strategies that may help. It’s important to note that everyone is different, so what works for one person may not work for another.

Remember that it’s okay to ask for help, and progress may be gradual. If you find that your feelings of hopelessness persist or worsen, seeking professional assistance is crucial.

It’s still January whichever way you look at it.

The Spirit of 67

So I am 67 years and tears and fears old today. The world is looking very dangerous and unstable again.
Will we be in a 3rd world war by 2027? I could see it happening. Grim.
I am just sitting here feeling extra special crazy today.

Be that as it may at least for today life goes on or rather some lives do for the lucky ones.
I have been putting a lot of effort into working on various musical stuff in the last month and today my concentration is completely gone. My brain feels a bit fried as in more so than usual to be honest.

  • Diana Stone Musician & composer Violin Piano Guitar Vocals
    Diana is a performing composer and muscian playing Piano Violin & Guitar. She currently plays with the Rock/Roots band Elephant Shelf and also the Delta Ladies who mix roots acoustic music and electronica. She composes in a variety of styles from pop to rock to Jazz and and classical music.Diana is also expert in multi-media recording and music production.
  • What I am doing today
    Well apart from installing word press, a few other things. I am just off to visit Wilton’s Music Hall in E1 which is becoming very popular at the moment.
  • wit and wisdom!
    > Few can wear white except Brides & sacrificial virgins>> > Its not so lonesome in the saddle since I ‘came out’ on the range>> > Due to my vegetarian diet of beans they called me Loathsome Cowboy Joe>> >You can take a horse to water but its quicker crossing in a boat >>
  • Leaving the Comfort Zone >>
    Date Posted: April 2 2008 I did my last day at the office on Friday and had the obligatory leaving drink and presentation which was embarassing but I was also quite touched as I had not really expected it.A lot of folks turned up and I do feel a tinge of regret as I was … Continue reading Leaving the Comfort Zone >>
  • Birthday blues
    Date Posted: 15th January 2008 Current mood: quixotic January and my Birthday approaches. I shall be making efforts to ignore it as much as possible in the vain hope that it will go away, as time seems to be passing very quickly now. I am still up to the usual rubbish. Its a great relief … Continue reading Birthday blues