Category Archives: glass cage

Saturday Random Thoughts

Free will, does it exist? Search me. Well actually I would rather you didn’t unless we have been formally introduced. A typical day. A little bit of practise and rehearsal and publicity stuff (a quick piano video). And a slight headache too. I am doing a slightly more rigorous exercise regime at home now most days. Not sure its making any difference but one has to try. And I am tired again. Ho hum

This song “Tin foil hat on 1234” from last month seems to have been very popular, which is always a nice feeling. I have no idea what is about though, rather like many politicians recent speeches I have heard.

“Sometimes it’s good to remember, but not good to kiss and tell. I remember the things you did with when you had your wicked way and played the merry hell. But you left me with a smile on my face and just a little guilt. Often I was exhausted by your overwhelming ego and you passions that I could with stand, but oh those times were grand.”

So once more around the park, though I have not now much spark. I will remember the snow in Reims and red wine, a motel and your loving grace“.

D.Stone 2024

The years come round quickly now I find. It looks like I am going to have a few gigs this year again. It should be fun I hope. 🙂 I need to get to a couple of local events from time to time. So I shall try and aim at that. If I had a few more local music mates I would be happy as a pig in shit. With the nice country side and so forth. I have a place I can make music in that’s warm and sound proof, shops and a pharmacy on the doorstep. If I can’t drive one day cabs will come here. So I am OK for the foreseeable. I don’t have any real hankering to go back to london other than for the occasional visit. The nearest I have got for quite a while is Enfield.
I have had a bit of a revelation: Why am I depressed? 1) Arthritis as the pain of that is tiring and does slow you down. 2) Getting tired/not having the energy and motivation to go to social or other music related events. 3) Not sleeping so well 4) Winter 5) Too much thinking about what I have lost due to the ravages of time. 6) Not enough shaging or rather zero, as also 1 on the list the arthritis also rather takes the fun out of that at times (not that I can remember that far back). Monogamy is overrated or was that monopoly 😉 I am still seeking counselling, but on a very basic level what I am really missing is a friend thats local. Not that you are not of course a friend but rather someone that is more attuned to my lifestyle, interests. If I were still London there would be people I could hang out with. I always feel much better having been to a rehearsal with people. My partner stops me from being lonely but our interests are very different so whilst we are company its not really enough. She will come back happier after her weekend away, though she won’t be able to quantify what she gained from it. It will simply be the effect of being part of a like minded social cohort.

Warning: Some or all of the above content may contain traces irony

Its All Too Much

The world keeps turning and getting further and further away from the one that I recognise or understand. Should I shut my eyes and ears to all of it? Maybe for a while, though it’s very hard. I do care about stuff but I can’t take too much more bad news to be honest. So I am just concentrating on recording and gigs and music. The day to day stuff. The mundane. So here is my latest recording.

Stuff that Dreams Are Made Of

Never give a sucker an even break. Indeed. We have its seems a school boy prime minster but he is no match for PItt the younger I venture.

“William Pitt the Younger was a British statesman, the youngest and last prime minister of Great Britain from 1783 until the Acts of Union 1800 and then first prime minister of the United Kingdom from January 1801. He left office in March 1801, but served as prime minister again from 1804 until his death in 1806.”

Now that’s what you call young. PM at 24

Meanwhile elsewhere there can be no peace, we are told.

The world is broken it seems.

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace: where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; where there is sadness, joy.

Francis of Assisi

A friend said,
Old age is said to be “a shipwreck”, and I do find it involves loss of what were once comforting certainties. I’m sure everyone experiences this to some degree. Its not our world any more, and we have to find our own way forward. Yes I think I will have to agree with that now.

And today its raining too. I am no longer running or trying to keep up. I just do what I do. Success or lack of it has in the last few month’s seemed to become a trivial matter of no importance.
I make my noises and I am happy if people like them too.

If you can follow your own star, straight on til morning, I think you will be happier for it

February, It Begins

Another month, amazing it’s so soon as I feel we have only just had one. A month that is.

I saw this:

This quote comes from the apocryphal writing known as the Acts of Peter:

“Unless you make what is right left, and what is left right, what is above into what is below, and what is behind into what is in front, you will not learn to know the Kingdom.”

(from Common Prayer)

Not sure what to make of that one at all. Sounds like a boss level of confusion though? But I will think about it and see where it leads.

I am trying to learn a lot of new material for 3 different acts and it is a little bit confusing, but hopefully it will help keep the brain plastic enough.

I am working on a track and experimenting a little at present so it may sound a little bit different if it works. I am using a bit more of the studios (AKA my spare music room) more modern tech in a hopefully creative way. Maybe I can fix it in the mix as they say. Its great to be able to just create when the muse strikes or even when it doesn’t.

Here is a song from this time last year for your aural delight hopefully 🙂

  • by Diana Stones Glasscage
    Just Do as I Say Not What I Do by Diana Stones Glasscage
  • by Diana Stones Glasscage
    How Do You Think You Will Keep Us Safe by Diana Stones Glasscage
  • by Diana Stones Glasscage
    Dreaming I Was Reborn by Diana Stones Glasscage
  • by Diana Stones Glasscage
    A simple rock song written a while back that I decided to re-record recently
  • by Diana Stones Glasscage
    One Step Forward by Diana Stones Glasscage
  • by Diana Stones Glasscage
    Surrealist Holiday by Diana Stones Glasscage
  • by Diana Stones Glasscage
    And Why Not by Diana Stones Glasscage
  • by Diana Stones Glasscage
    A mellow Orchestral trance instrumental with Violin
  • by Diana Stones Glasscage
    Dont Tell Me I Am Cute by Diana Stones Glasscage
  • by Diana Stones Glasscage
    Time Will Take So Much From You by Diana Stones Glasscage
  • by Diana Stones Glasscage
    A Darker Green by Diana Stones Glasscage
  • by Diana Stones Glasscage
    Its all about the mo0ney you know
  • by Diana Stones Glasscage
    A violin and Rhodes tune for you 🎶
  • by Diana Stones Glasscage
    The Best That I Can Do For You Now by Diana Stones Glasscage
  • by Diana Stones Glasscage
    I Have No Faith Left by Diana Stones Glasscage
  • by Diana Stones Glasscage
    Just Because It Fits Maybe You Shouldent by Diana Stones Glasscage
  • by Diana Stones Glasscage
    Just a sleazy blues
  • by Diana Stones Glasscage
    Sometimes you have a revelation and you can’t keep it to yourself so you end up singing about about it almost ecstatically. So I did. Go me. A very recent recording inspired by those moments of special sharing twined with enlightenment.
  • by Diana Stones Glasscage
    Tune in Gb
  • by Diana Stones Glasscage
    A few thoughts on lost opportunities' in a pop rock setting ballad.