Category Archives: Diana Stones Songs

Diana Stones music

I Am Working On it

Still boldly going forward because I can’t find reverse. Here is a blues type song idea. And Happy Spring Equinox whilst I remember. I have had a very sleepy week so far.
I did a St Patrick’s day gig with my band Orchard and that was great fun though hard work.

Ēostre or Ostara was the goddess of spring associated with the festival of the spring equinox. During this time, eggs were used a symbol of rebirth and the beginning of new life and a hare or rabbit was the symbol of the goddess and fertility.

Both these symbols were adopted by Christianity and are still seen today during Easter, together with hot cross buns, another ancient symbol which comes from the baking of sweet buns for an idol.

Artistic Burnout Time

Sometime I wonder what I should be doing, but I just keep on keeping on as best I can. Stopping is not an option, especially so at the moment. My head is a haunted house right now. My dreams are really strange too. Full of people I used know but havent seen for quite a while.
They are disturbing too. So I wake up a little troubled and perturbed. Also I feel there is something I have forgotten to do but I can’t figure out quite what it is. I get a lot of that these days too.

World of woo

I guess we are just filling in time to push the fear to the back of our minds, or perhaps that’s just me. I would really like to get a bit more light in my music as its got very dark and sad over time. I am not too sure what I could do about achieving that. Maybe it needs an infusion of dancing rhythms? I am looking but just not finding it right now. Indeed. Anyway I have to keep marching on regardless. So I do.

Persistence at times like this is everything.

Footloose and Fancy Free

Lets just relax and float down stream. And take a deep breath and that’s better. And don’t be scared of your own thoughts, which I have been recently. Occasionally I put something on TIkTok and there are some very strange people there judging by some of the comments at times. But hey that’s OK. It getting my music a few plays, which is sort of the point.
But is any publicity good publicity? I am not sure. But as they say you are a long time dead so why worry. Currently I am recording a backing track for a new song and I intend to use all the vocal trickery I can muster on it once the lyrics are clear in my head. I have a few notions brewing up on a couple of subjects that make be worth a song. Rehearsals carry on as usual as with 3 bands. yesterday I had two with different acts and also it required about 3 plus hours to get from one to the other driving. Occasionally it gets confusing I must admit. But its better to be doing something again especially after the end of the old act in February 2020 and the 2 years in the wilderness during lockdown. That was hard and it took more out of me than I thought at the time. Its been much harder getting back in the saddle than I ever imagined. But I am back though it must be said in a much more limited way.

Here is a cheary song for you all.

Can you see the real me, everything is performative at times.