Category Archives: Delta Ladies

Delta Ladies

Time Out And Re-Grouping

It’s one of those weeks when things are a little bit sideways and out of kilter. My routine day to day is much the same as ever. music practice recording and all that. At the time of writing it is the 5th anniversary of Vicky Martins death and that seems to have gone in a flash. A lot has happened and it seems we are all moving on, like it or not and for many of us it is likely to be the last chapter, with some perhaps warenting an epilogue. Time gallops past at an increasing rate now from my perspective. How to use the time wisely? And how much of this precious resource do we have anyway?

What happened to me and when did I get so boring. Don’t answer that 🙂 Perhaps I always was just basking in the reflected lights of others achievements at times. I have nostalgia syndrome and everything is dragging me back to thinking of the past. Mix that up with a little guilt as well just for good measure to add seasoning and a little spice.

An instrumental Track from 1997. Entirely created on a Korg W1fd workstation. And recorded to analogue tape.

Early days of D

Me in 1959 I think. When did my nose get so big and other questions spring to mind I must admit. Life was indeed simpler then. Play, cuddle mum eat food play sleep and repeat.
Maybe not not so different from life now thinking about it. Play (make music), cuddle partner, eat, play and repeat. Drink wine and beer. That’s a plus. So being a pensioner is perhaps like being a kid again in many ways. And being stupid and having the odd tantrum too. Being taller is useful too of course.

Diana Stone in a  bar with a piano

Me much, much later.

What Are You Running From Or Towards

As time passes friends fall by the wayside so often I find. Sometimes it’s just because interests change and we naturally drift apart. Though at my age now it seems that a few just vanish back in to stardust and billion year old carbon in the ultimate cosmic recycling machine. We get old, we get tired and we just wear out. I oscillate between trying not to think about the inevitable and getting somewhat obsessed with it. It cannot however be avoided regardless of magic elixirs and potions, Yoga and Tai Chi and so in. And things wear out too. It’s often the case that people just don’t look after themselves. A frequently bad diet and it just not seeming worth the effort does for a lot of older single folk in the end it seems.

The Spirit of 67

So I am 67 years and tears and fears old today. The world is looking very dangerous and unstable again.
Will we be in a 3rd world war by 2027? I could see it happening. Grim.
I am just sitting here feeling extra special crazy today.

Be that as it may at least for today life goes on or rather some lives do for the lucky ones.
I have been putting a lot of effort into working on various musical stuff in the last month and today my concentration is completely gone. My brain feels a bit fried as in more so than usual to be honest.

  • Diana Stone Musician & composer Violin Piano Guitar Vocals
    Diana is a performing composer and muscian playing Piano Violin & Guitar. She currently plays with the Rock/Roots band Elephant Shelf and also the Delta Ladies who mix roots acoustic music and electronica. She composes in a variety of styles from pop to rock to Jazz and and classical music.Diana is also expert in multi-media recording and music production.
  • What I am doing today
    Well apart from installing word press, a few other things. I am just off to visit Wilton’s Music Hall in E1 which is becoming very popular at the moment.
  • wit and wisdom!
    > Few can wear white except Brides & sacrificial virgins>> > Its not so lonesome in the saddle since I ‘came out’ on the range>> > Due to my vegetarian diet of beans they called me Loathsome Cowboy Joe>> >You can take a horse to water but its quicker crossing in a boat >>
  • Leaving the Comfort Zone >>
    Date Posted: April 2 2008 I did my last day at the office on Friday and had the obligatory leaving drink and presentation which was embarassing but I was also quite touched as I had not really expected it.A lot of folks turned up and I do feel a tinge of regret as I was … Continue reading Leaving the Comfort Zone >>
  • Birthday blues
    Date Posted: 15th January 2008 Current mood: quixotic January and my Birthday approaches. I shall be making efforts to ignore it as much as possible in the vain hope that it will go away, as time seems to be passing very quickly now. I am still up to the usual rubbish. Its a great relief … Continue reading Birthday blues