Category Archives: Delta Ladies

What’s A Foot For May

A few minor hiccups at present to be sorted out.I quite like the Buddhist idea of acknowledging and accepting feelings rather than trying to control them as they often seem to get bored and vanish into the mists. Beyond that who knows. Sometimes it’s hard just keeping on going however good ones intentions are. I am slightly lacking in Mojo today. I will work on one of my music projects a bit later on. I am wiped out at present. I am not fighting my tiredness too well though. But I must crack on and boldly go.
A new tune below.

My new release is now due to drop on 10th of May and it’s called “Believe In Luck” Some of these tracks linked below will be on it.

it’s been a busy and fairly creative month.

Another Album Submitted

This could be the last time, I don’t know as the Rolling Stones sang. I am running out of ideas a and maybe I am running out of time too on a personal level. My body feels more worn out more often these days for sure. Here is a new tune to try and keep moving to. just a little mello dancing jazzy funky instrumental this time. A bit of fun. I just submitted an album for distribution. I am just waiting for them to check it all out to see if its good to go or not. It usually takes about 2 days to say yes if the checks go OK. I hate waiting for anything, I seem to have got a lot more impatient now. And surprise, surprise a couple of typos so here we go again.

It’s a dull day here, so why not dance with me 🙂

This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you” (John 15:12; see also John 13:34–35; Moroni 7:46–48).

@dianastonemusic #newrelease #dianastone #dianasmusic #newalbumcomingsoon #dancewithdianastone #lovemymusic ♬ original sound – Diana Stone

That’s better, don’t you think. I should try and dance a bit every day. More silliness is required.

Humble, How is That Working For You

I don’t like to push to much, but that’s hard if you make music and actually want it to be heard by anyone. Also I try to not get pretentious and keep a light touch and a sense of humour, but that is not always to my advantage. We are not judging you….

Vicky martin and Diana Stone

I have had a week of self doubt about what I am doing, triggered perhaps by as usual to much introspection. I listened to a couple of recent tracks that I though were not so good and after a break from them they actually sounded rather better than I had though at first listen. Ear saturation perhaps? Particularly when listening to the sound of your own voice where over familiarity breeds utter concontempt. But what is there to do but just keep pushing on…

I played at an Irish style session last night with the Also Rans (a loose Irish collective) and it was a fine and pleasant evening of music for a Saturday night. There is something to be said for simplicity at times. I need to relearn that on occasion. Whilst talking casually a couple of people were surprised at my age, (I can’t recall how it came up in conversation) but I said it’s all an illusion, slights of hand and deception. I do forget and then my body reminds me 🙂