Category Archives: whatever

Stuf that I can’t fit anywhere else…

This Seems Appropriate

Yes, it’s the mood of the day, the center cannot hold. Yates and all that. The sudden evening silence breaks in my room. It’s not a good day so far as I write this. A lot of stuffs been going wrong and I am not coping well at all. I watched some video of an english guy (about 50 years old) that lives in rural Russia on YouTube. The sanctions have no effect on lifestyle except minor irritations with getting a few spare parts, the shop and shopping malls are all well stocked. Unless you are called up or a family member is, its a case of “War? , what war…”
So I think we can say that that one will run and run.

Today was an annoying day with computer problems as well… Ho Hum. One problem is sorted and the other hopefully will be at some point tomorrow or Thursday if the backup loads OK.

So not a creative day at all. My spirits a bit lost at present.

Not So Happy Fridays

Ouch, I have had some unexpected emergency dental work done. I feel like I have been in a fight. Ouch again. Teeth are sneaky, you think they are fine then suddenly and randomly something happens. Out of nowhere. So I am feeling a bit sorry for myself as in bruised and battered but pleased that I managed to get treatment quickly. It’s been a rough day though.
It seems harder to get over these things as time goes by. I also got soaked on the way to the appointment as well so other aches and pains as well.

So no creative stuff today really. I have watched a lot of YouTube to distract myself and absent mindedly picking out stuff on guitar. I found a spark of an idea lurking though even so. And I wrote stuff down just in case.

  • by Diana Stones Glasscage
    False Prophet by Diana Stones Glasscage
  • by Diana Stones Glasscage
    In To The Dark by Diana Stones Glasscage
  • by Diana Stones Glasscage
    Third World Intervention by Diana Stones Glasscage
  • by Diana Stones Glasscage
    Hard Walk Into Sunlight by Diana Stones Glasscage
  • by Diana Stones Glasscage
    Ennui 11 by Diana Stones Glasscage

What Are You Running From Or Towards

As time passes friends fall by the wayside so often I find. Sometimes it’s just because interests change and we naturally drift apart. Though at my age now it seems that a few just vanish back in to stardust and billion year old carbon in the ultimate cosmic recycling machine. We get old, we get tired and we just wear out. I oscillate between trying not to think about the inevitable and getting somewhat obsessed with it. It cannot however be avoided regardless of magic elixirs and potions, Yoga and Tai Chi and so in. And things wear out too. It’s often the case that people just don’t look after themselves. A frequently bad diet and it just not seeming worth the effort does for a lot of older single folk in the end it seems.