Category Archives: Delta Ladies

Keep calm and carry on perhaps?

Diana-Stone Studio.APRIL 2021This week I seem to have ground to a halt.  OK I have been practicing and preparing things so I haven’t really stopped completely, but it feels like that…  The creative energy well has run a little dry. I have been doing a lot of piano sight reading practice again though. I have 3 tunes on the boil which I have not started recording yet and are gestating for want of a better description. That’s a suitable spring like description I think and appropriate. They are also slightly hesitant like the not quite presently budding trees.  Its  at times like this I try and look forward to formulating a bit of a plan.  But I havent got one yet.  

Its still a good 5 weeks before we can meet people indoors under  the present UK covid rules, but I do look forward with great anticipation to that step nearer normality.