Category Archives: history

Still rusty and creaking.

Despite my best efforts I am still plagued with aches and pains and its tiring.  
After playing for 2 hours and 2 hours driving yesterday for  a rehearsal and a  recording, I  felt great when I got home yesterday but I am very stiff and aching this morning. I don’t feel so tired though and I slept better without waking up several times. I have added a couple of new moves to the exercise routine from today. So maybe that will help a little. Its irritating as you think there is an improvement and then suddenly it feels like you are back where you started from.  I am sure though this is a familiar experience to so many of us of course.

I note that  many people are doing outdoor gigs at the same local places they used to play at again. I have looked but there still doesn’t’ really  seem to be much locally. its a good sign though of course. Efforts to get some local interested musicians to play live with  are somewhat stalled at present  though which is frustrating.  It is the time of year for people to be  going on holidays and so forth of course. I do hope by late summer there is some possibility of something to get involved in locally at least.




Mayday Mayday

Love is the answer, maybe?  Or perhaps not. Another month begins and it  is time to attempt the annual reboot. So I have placed an ad for musical collaborators again. I don’y honestly think I will get too much of a response if previous attempts are anything to go by but I have to give it a try. A chink of light as the door cracks open and perhaps is enough to hint at a better tomorrow.  As I write this the sun is shining though its a bit chilly for May. Everything is slightly behind and the blossom is just about out now too.      


Keep calm and carry on perhaps?

Diana-Stone Studio.APRIL 2021This week I seem to have ground to a halt.  OK I have been practicing and preparing things so I haven’t really stopped completely, but it feels like that…  The creative energy well has run a little dry. I have been doing a lot of piano sight reading practice again though. I have 3 tunes on the boil which I have not started recording yet and are gestating for want of a better description. That’s a suitable spring like description I think and appropriate. They are also slightly hesitant like the not quite presently budding trees.  Its  at times like this I try and look forward to formulating a bit of a plan.  But I havent got one yet.  

Its still a good 5 weeks before we can meet people indoors under  the present UK covid rules, but I do look forward with great anticipation to that step nearer normality.