Category Archives: history

Its been a while since I last spoke with you. Pull up a chair.

It’s been a while since I last spoke with you. Pull up a chair. Tell me what you have been doing. Did you win?  I am glad.  You know we dont get many visitors these days and it’s always good to talk.  We will just listen to start with if thats OK with you?  It’s just that we are a little short on subjects to talk about recently. And we don’t get out much, did I tell you.  So tell us all about you.

Yep, its a weird old world. My musical doings are proceeding as expected at present, in mostly a positive direction.  My body and mind are as ever doing what they do and giving me little unexpected surprises.  I am releasing another album to coincide with my Birthday next month.  I think my solo material  output will be a little less next year if things move in the direction I expect them to and I am busy with other things as well as my personal music  projects.  Fingers knees and toes crossed it will all work out.

Christmas. Not really my thing anymore.  Scrooge me. Not really. Well maybe just a little. Plus the stars are going out, so many people that were part of my musical influences in my youth are fading away though they have left a rich legacy of recorded music. At the time of writing this Mike Nesmith has  just ridden into that  sunset too.





A New Varient.

It’s been cold. At the rehearsal rooms it was a bit chilly too so that was not the most comfortable session. But it went OK and was productive. 
It was good to play with a rock band line  with actual people up however rusty we are at present.
This year I have written and recorded 68 tracks in total starting in January. I have also played on 3 or 4 other recording projects this year. So I have been keeping  busy. I need to switch off for a while now I think, but my mind won’t detach from it. It’s become a little obsessional which is actually not good at all.  Perhaps its the effect of too much time in my own company?    


Once Upon A Time In Bedford

My last release went live OK and so now onto the next step. I have no idea what that should be though. At the time of writing this  I just sent off 3 violin tracks for a remote recording project.  Something I have been avoiding for a while as I just could not  get the enthusiasm for it.
There is a possible side project live band (60s and 70s style) that I may be involved with too if it comes to fruition. Working with local musicians. Fingers crossed.  On a personal level I am having a few wobbles at present which I hope I will be able to negotiate and keep rolling along. Wish me luck.

Here is a tune called “What’s next”.