Category Archives: glass cage

The Daily Grind

Today everything is aching. So its not the best day so far. Its not gone that well for the guy delivering a digger on the building site opposite as he took a wall down with his trailer.  OK a  moments amusement was found watching the proceedings I admit.  Watching others work is part of my routine at present. The house building is finished and they are landscaping a public open space which will be the completion of the development here which we have watched over the 3 years we have been here. So I can say in truth I remember this when it was all fields 😉  
Though not particularly interesting ones. And I am so tired. Drained and unmotivated.  I had hoped to be recording today but the aches and pains seem to have knocked that for 6.  I might have a try in a little while  though if possible. Wish me luck.  I am trying hemp oil again,as it supposed to help with joint pains and anxiety. Quiet desperation or what. I guess this what aging is about.  The spirit is willing  but…

I have couple of project tracks I am supposed to be adding violin for people  and I had completely forgotten about them. Must try harder LOL.   Actually I did send something off today. Go me. To be fair only after being reminded. Whoops.  I am not sure how good it is but hey its a start.  I have added a new set of arm resistance exercises this week to my routine, ever hopeful that it may help with one or two problems, preferably without it making anything else worse.

The end of the world is always nigh I have found. Much introspection going on here about the balancing what  we do in life between short term and long term gains. I am somewhat mired in nostalgia and that is stopping me from getting on with things which should make my life better. I am recording a song and it sounds very 90’s. It may not do by the time its finished though of course. I am glad that I have some music theory and ability to read and write it as it makes it much easier to carry on with stuff. Especially when one gets demotivated its a useful scaffold to start building on, even if one had no ideas in ones head at all. It possible to just lay some foundations and then inspiration may well kick in out of the blue yonder.

So will UK Covid restrictions end on June 21?  I rather feel that they wont and we will not see any real change until early autumn and nothing like normal till spring 22. For me its not personally going to make much difference and I will just be ticking over.

I have signed up to join  zoom singerarounds with the local bedford folk club finally. If and when it opens its doors again that’s going to be useful as this is the one next door in Kempston just the other side of the trees I can see in the far distance from my studio room. 

Anyway surprise, surprise here is a new song.  Take it easy out there…


Still rusty and creaking.

Despite my best efforts I am still plagued with aches and pains and its tiring.  
After playing for 2 hours and 2 hours driving yesterday for  a rehearsal and a  recording, I  felt great when I got home yesterday but I am very stiff and aching this morning. I don’t feel so tired though and I slept better without waking up several times. I have added a couple of new moves to the exercise routine from today. So maybe that will help a little. Its irritating as you think there is an improvement and then suddenly it feels like you are back where you started from.  I am sure though this is a familiar experience to so many of us of course.

I note that  many people are doing outdoor gigs at the same local places they used to play at again. I have looked but there still doesn’t’ really  seem to be much locally. its a good sign though of course. Efforts to get some local interested musicians to play live with  are somewhat stalled at present  though which is frustrating.  It is the time of year for people to be  going on holidays and so forth of course. I do hope by late summer there is some possibility of something to get involved in locally at least.