Category Archives: glass cage

Facebook People

The stuff of nightmares, some of them. This weeks been the worst. Who can you trust anymore? This week I have had a bit more of a fight that usual with depression again. Its crept up on me. Depression is a sly creature and changes its form in subtle ways so that when you think you have a defense or mitigation strategy it turns into something completely different the moment your drop your guard and suddenly there it is again.

A mixed sort of day. Got the Boiler serviced and it’s fine, and no that’s not a euphemism 🙂

I had a disappointment that is causing me to think I need to look at my present commitments as life is getting very frustrating at present as stuff is just not working out. I may have put too many eggs in one basket on reflection. A lot of things I have put energy into seem to actually be withering on the vine.

Also am quite worried about the possibility of rioting later today, not very far down the road from us. I do hope that it won’t happen but there is a lot of concern in the community and the town. I was in Bedford this morning and it is business as usual at present though. Hopefully it will stay that way.

In other news, potentially another project is likely to go tits up soon it seems. I do hope not though. Hopefully a mitigation has been found.

 Picture jane evans photography

Don’t take It Out On Those That Are Weaker Than You

Seriously, just don’t. People just want to slap other folks down all the time sadly. Blue sky thinking wont fix it.

Some blue sky. And Facebook, I get a lot of friend requests. Many people seem to misidentify me as a member of their tribe. I get requests from xenophobes, racists, right wing extremists and most puzzling of all transphobes? Weird or what. People obviously don’t read what I write I guess? Perhaps it’s just as well or they would be at the door with the pitchforks.
My brain hurts with it all at times to be honest.

So Class What Have We Learned Today

I played a short gig as part of a small local festival on Saturday and it was jolly good fun. Not perfect but very enjoyable. Go me. The sun’s out today and it’s going to be a hot one again by UK standards. I have a personal significant anniversary which has again minded me to think about what to do next, life wise. So far though I have not had any great inspiration.

A tune for you.

Ashes to Ashes. I think Stardust to Stardust sounds nicer. Apart from that I have very little to say.

Rant time

What is this myth about rich pensioners? I pretty sure I am not one the last time I looked at my bank account. Labour has just scrapped the winter fuel payment. As a somewhat arthritic pensioner that is not by any means wealthy and having had to wait a year longer to receive my state pension which ment burning through savings due to covid basically stopping my being able to work in my last year before receiving it I really would have expected better from you.

Labour has just given a massive middle finger to all those Labour voting pensioners who have been stitched up as there was nothing in the manifesto about that. Not a good look at all labour.

Pensioners who don’t receive pension credit are not all wealthy!

Also I wish they would stop using the phrase hard working people. I had my first job when I was 15 so I built up 50 years of NI contributions. If I did wish to sit on my arse at this point in life I don’t think that would be unreasonable. Actually I don’t but I am sure you get my drift.