We plod on through the days.
I put my Ben Franklin Violin pictures on a facebook violin/valuation and identification page. I wonder if anyone will know what it is? I have also sent off pics for a proper appraisal.
https://www.beares.com/ Used to be in Soho. Very well known. they buy and sell and fix. Internationally famous. They sell the famous fiddles Strads and so forth at the top end. They allow you to upload photos and a little info. So I will try them. Not with the expectation of making money, but rather to see if they can shed any light into what it is and why it was made. One other enigmatic thing about that fiddle. It has been repaired a few times over its lifetime and it makes me wonder why, rather than hung on the wall in a barn and forgotten? Turns out though I have been playing it for many years, i had never bothered to check the angle of the neck and its construction. Turns out it is Baroque violin. All these years and I never knew.
Odd thing. The latest track I put on Soundcloud 5 days ago has had 1,266 plays which way more than I would normally get in that amount of time. My last few tracks this year have been played more in general though. I expect it will suddenly drop and be back to business as usual soon enough. A younger demographic in terms of listeners. I have a track I am working on at present but I am a bit stuck with it. I don’t want to ruin it but being a bit sloppy.
A gig in St Neots/Little Paxton. A first run out for the extended “Band” version of Orchard now to be called “Sonic Boomers. Not a bad crowd actually ages 50 to 70+ no kids. Rain stayed off for most of it. Not a bad performance. Joined by a random bloke guesting on Pedal Steel Guitar on a few numbers. It’s not a bad band to be honest. I remembered all the stuff I kept forgetting in rehearsal(because real for real Lol). So I didn’t have to look at anything on the music stand. Audience loved it. About 50 people sitting on their golf /picnic chairs. Random Pedal Steel Guy it turns out is John Davis who played on our original version of the Delta ladies Refugie Album on one of my songs. Small world. He is a friend of Allen our new bass player.

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