Its to far away to see, so I will take your word for it. Perhaps we did, I will trust what you say. Another average week. A band Rehearsal, working on some of my music. Stuff like that. But I feel completely empty. Completely.

Orchard See also the Sonic Boomers. I will be playing gigs with both of those bands this year. Click through on the names to see gig listings
So the answer is a resounding no I think. Maybe this year things will kick off a bit, but hopefully sooner than later as I don’t feel like I am going to last the course anymore. I have just got too tired I think. So if it’s over and out now, so long its been good to know you. I am hanging on a sbest I can but I think my grip is failing. I really have tried though. Currently I am recording a song where maybe what I actually think will come out in the lyrics. I need to get the pain out like lancing a boil if I can. I think I have managed to get a suitable vocal take. It will take a bit of effort mixing it though. I did make one minor adjustment. I have a bit of variable mood lighting in my musicroom/studio, and I have not to put it on recently. It makes it a lot cosier with a much better vibe. I often feel fine during the day, but I find in the evenings though I want to get on with recording I just don’t seem to be able to focus, but weirdly changing the lighting seems to get me up and running. So I shall just have to remember to do that. I have made a note to do that for a week or so and see if actually helps in a longer term.
Perhaps I should also try not watching the news as much too. I don’t want to be unaware but I can’t deal with it at present.
It seems that at least on the very local (Bedford) music scene things are opening up again now, which is good news really. There are some green shoots showing. Open mics and a few proper gigs as well now. Maybe time for plan B.
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