Category Archives: Delta Ladies

Up Hill Slowly

Yep, it’s hard work. My depression is trying to get a grip again. I feel like I am waiting for a call that is never going to come. A bit useless and past my sell by date really. And each day that feeling grows a little stronger. I was really doing well until I had the tooth problem. I got it sorted out really quickly though I was a bit bruised and battered after. But I have just fallen into a bit of a low. I can’t think why though. The only thing to do is just to do. Something or anything really.

Do I approve of me? I am not sure the jury’s out.

I Am Working On it

Still boldly going forward because I can’t find reverse. Here is a blues type song idea. And Happy Spring Equinox whilst I remember. I have had a very sleepy week so far.
I did a St Patrick’s day gig with my band Orchard and that was great fun though hard work.

Ēostre or Ostara was the goddess of spring associated with the festival of the spring equinox. During this time, eggs were used a symbol of rebirth and the beginning of new life and a hare or rabbit was the symbol of the goddess and fertility.

Both these symbols were adopted by Christianity and are still seen today during Easter, together with hot cross buns, another ancient symbol which comes from the baking of sweet buns for an idol.

Not So Happy Fridays

Ouch, I have had some unexpected emergency dental work done. I feel like I have been in a fight. Ouch again. Teeth are sneaky, you think they are fine then suddenly and randomly something happens. Out of nowhere. So I am feeling a bit sorry for myself as in bruised and battered but pleased that I managed to get treatment quickly. It’s been a rough day though.
It seems harder to get over these things as time goes by. I also got soaked on the way to the appointment as well so other aches and pains as well.

So no creative stuff today really. I have watched a lot of YouTube to distract myself and absent mindedly picking out stuff on guitar. I found a spark of an idea lurking though even so. And I wrote stuff down just in case.

  • by Diana Stones Glasscage
    Who Are You Now by Diana Stones Glasscage
  • by Diana Stones Glasscage
    You Cant Help Me Now by Diana Stones Glasscage
  • by Diana Stones Glasscage
    Can You Help Me Please by Diana Stones Glasscage
  • by Diana Stones Glasscage
    Wanna Be Your Special Friend by Diana Stones Glasscage
  • by Diana Stones Glasscage
    Just Do It My Way OK by Diana Stones Glasscage