Monthly Archives: November 2022

Prelude To Winter

It’s starting to get cold now. Ouch. Life goes on with a few hiccups along the path.

There is plenty going on on various musical fronts, so that’s all good. I am in 4 different acts, all very different, which hopefully get busier next year. A slight hiatus though, due to the guitar player in one band fracturing a finger and the drummer twisting their wrist and no they were not having a fight.  In my folk act the guitar player has got a kidney infection. But overall I have a lot more going on now than I did a few months back creatively so that’s good. Other than that its business as usual over all. Finances are a bit iffy till next year so I am mostly doing stuff that does not cost too much to do socially. That’s OK though.

So here is a tune.

It’s a Piano and Keys thing, that sort of wrote it self the other week as they often do, whilst I was thinking about something completely different.

A memory from a few years back. No special reason for putting it here except it’s a fun picture with happy smiling people in it. We all need to do more smiling don’t you think.