Hello from the hale and ancient. Though I am not justified and I don’t drive an ice cream van. Though I guess I could of course? I am not sure really. 65 years old, good grief. It makes you want to have a lie down don’t you think. Yesterday was a good day, some recording during the day on a new song. then a Band rehearsal for my new 60s and 70s cover band that was fairly good. The sun was out and I didn’t ache too much, so mostly a winner. Freezing in the rehearsal rooms though I must say. Today I will be back to recording and practice again and other light duties. I am also waiting for a delivery which is a bit tedious as I cant get on with my recording until it turns up as I won’t hear the door.
I have a new song:
And there’s more. I am slowly getting a bit more active socially and seeing people again which is nice but taking a little time to get used to again after a long time. A new year and its already very different.