Another Album Submitted

This could be the last time, I don’t know as the Rolling Stones sang. I am running out of ideas a and maybe I am running out of time too on a personal level. My body feels more worn out more often these days for sure. Here is a new tune to try and keep moving to. just a little mello dancing jazzy funky instrumental this time. A bit of fun. I just submitted an album for distribution. I am just waiting for them to check it all out to see if its good to go or not. It usually takes about 2 days to say yes if the checks go OK. I hate waiting for anything, I seem to have got a lot more impatient now. And surprise, surprise a couple of typos so here we go again.

It’s a dull day here, so why not dance with me 🙂

This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you” (John 15:12; see also John 13:34–35; Moroni 7:46–48).

@dianastonemusic #newrelease #dianastone #dianasmusic #newalbumcomingsoon #dancewithdianastone #lovemymusic ♬ original sound – Diana Stone

That’s better, don’t you think. I should try and dance a bit every day. More silliness is required.