Times flown by again and another year is almost past.So here’s another tune for you. It’s a quiet weekend again. In the silence if you listen carefully you can hear my bones clicking. But perhaps you would rather not and I respect that 😆
The Best That I Can Do For You Now
I do find christmas a difficult time. It just doesn’t do much for me. I have no objections to others getting jolly and all jingle belled up if they must of course as I am not really scrooge, or am I? To be honest I have both good and bad memories’ of Christmas as a child but strangely now I can’t relate to it much at all.
This time of year in preparation for the next I am being drawn, almost forced into doing a lot rethinking and adjustment in my attitude to my life generally. I find comfort in being in control but often joy and delight visit when I am in those moments in flow (creatively )and perhaps out of control. I have a rich and vivid imagination at times and whilst I do not act out some of my wilder thoughts and fantasies now I don’t fear them. They are passing ghosts usually, phantoms that disperse like smoke or mist. Better to wave hello and deal with them safely than let them get behind the egos steering wheel and set course for heaven knows where.
A few tunes for you.

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