Category Archives: glass cage

Independence Day or Silly Walks Day?

A little bit of both I guess so far. I am stil struggling a bit mental health wise again. I get stuck as something triggers me then I get obsessed with it. Some things are hard to ignore. Its polling day here in the U of K July the 4th. I voted by post 3 weeks ago but that vote is unlikely to affect the outcome as its a conservative safe seat where I live.

I have got out and played live a couple of times and its cheered me up a bit, at least temporarily. But today’s a very rainy day so I am going nowhere. Just watching the rain.

With Orchard at The Red Lion Stevenage playing some Saw Doctors Songs

Well we now have a new government. It’s better than what we had but over the longer term who knows what it will actually be able or will to do? Sadly much of what I would wish for will not be coming to pass. Also there is an enemy within. There are now elected far right neo fascists as elected Mps. So there is a seed of real evil. The fertile ground for it was laid and nourished by the last government with its pandering to racist and nationalist views to gain votes. Once something like this has taken route there is no easy way to stop it spreading.
Britain has always had a proportion of isolationist and often xenophobic people and one only has to look back to very recent history to see that. The only way to help stop this is to speak out against it. I am not confident that will happen.

In other news I stagger on with my musical machinations. “Its music Jim but not as we know it” some might say…

Offensive Flowers and Plants Police

Well now. A tale of woe.

Bad neighbours. We had grown from seed and allowed some wild flowers on the small space next to the entrance to our flat. It’s the first time anything has managed to grow there in the 6 years due to the hardness/dryness of the ground. A small miracle almost. the new neighbours who moved in a few months ago and who have not even said a word to us in that time, waited until we were out and then cut everything that was growing down. The land is not theirs. Some of the seeds were ones that my sister whos partner died had sent us from her old garden.

When confronted the “person” next door said he had cut them down because he did not like them though he no right to do so anyway. Some would actually have been protected species. They were their to encourage insects and to help allow the soil to build up on the patch of ground so that it could look more attractive. He has covered his back garden in astroturf so its totally dead. Ironically he will now likely have caused the plants to regrow and spread further. What stuns me though is it obvious that the land is not in anyway part of their property and they did not approach us to discuss what might potentially might be done, even though it has nothing to do with them. We encouraged taller plants to stop people coming there to pee as has been the case.

A quick drink before the performance of Jon Bickley’s Robin Hood recently.

I am seriously think of selling up and moving elsewhere. We moved from central London after retiring and never had anything like this happen before. I am both angry and sad. I felt physical sick after seeing what this person had done. I used to work for the prison service/Home Office and have had bad stuff happen so I am not naive, (knife held to my throat by a drug addict on my way to work because he thought I had caused his temporary release licence to be revoked and a few other things over the years).This has just really upset me a lot.

Anyway here is some music…

  • by Diana Stones Glasscage
    False Prophet by Diana Stones Glasscage
  • by Diana Stones Glasscage
    In To The Dark by Diana Stones Glasscage
  • by Diana Stones Glasscage
    Third World Intervention by Diana Stones Glasscage
  • by Diana Stones Glasscage
    Hard Walk Into Sunlight by Diana Stones Glasscage
  • by Diana Stones Glasscage
    Ennui 11 by Diana Stones Glasscage
  • by Diana Stones Glasscage
    A mellow song for a rainy day.

If It’s A Fight You Want You Have Already Lost It.

Today I got stressed again. So here is a new song I just finished because why not. I need a distraction. Currently I am starting to work on reducing my anxiety triggers with a bit off desensitisation therapy. I am not sure how much it will help but I need to try. I am still getting hung up on stuff or triggered a lot. And losing my temper. I just can’t handle things too well right now. But maybe it’s still “Feel the fear and do it anyway”. Maybe I am fighting myself though? Feels like it at times. I have a lot of anger in me that is just under the surface. Its to do with being/feeling powerless and it’s a hangover from when I was growing up, but it’s never gone away. Ho hum. I just can’t flush it from the system like lime scale in a kettle almost.

Are we are on the brink?