I am trying to ignore events around me as much as possible but it is harder than I thought it would be. And we are indeed living in interesting times as the Chinese proverb (curse) says.
It’s definitely not conducive to normal life is it. I do wonder how far it’s all going to go. And Donald Trump is behaving like a Russian asset. OK that sounds like the plot of a new James Bond movie but its very weird. He did say he stop the war in Ukraine before he was in power. Why say it with so much conviction. Mad or Bad? Why the yanks put a man in office that was charged with inciting an insurrection is a mystery to me. Maybe all his department heads will all just be fighting each other for power now. It’s very strange. It seems to be chaos for the sake of it. Others have also noted how remarkably energetic he has been for an oldie. I cant believe its just from playing golf.
A new solo piano tune.
A reasonable couple of goodish days bodywise at least and there is a correlation with staying in bed longer and aching, so I am slowly trying to get into the habit if getting up a little earlier as that seems to help with general aches and pains. Other stuff is as per usual music related doings and but too much time on the computer in between is stressing my mind and body.
I sometimes wonder how I am still here when I think back over some of the incidents that have occured over my lifetime. Some of it has just really weird too. A bed that was tied to the roof of a car in front of me insecurely came off off on a section of dual carriageway and I hit it at 70 mph. It’s amazing how quickly it all turns to splinters when that happens. I was attacked in Battersea Park on my way to work by a druggy with a knife who held it to my throat and I managed to get out of that by talking. I was stalked by a guy with a broken bottle and mugged at Victoria Station at 6pm whilst waiting for a bus in a queue. Not one person attempted to assist or even went to get help. I walked past an IRA bomb in London 30 seconds before it went off and there’s more…. There are a few other things I could add to the list but I just wonder sometimes how it is that my luck held out? Nothing is certain ever.
I look at the world and the dreadful things happening to usually innocent people who’s lives are erased in seconds or lives are changed forever in terrible ways.
So I wonder is everything just random chance, does stuff just happen. Is there any guiding principal in the universe or is just all the random interactions and collisions’ between fundamental particles played out… It can make you crazy if you let it.
Just asking for a friend
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