Monthly Archives: February 2025

It’s mad mad mad world

I am trying to ignore events around me as much as possible but it is harder than I thought it would be. And we are indeed living in interesting times as the Chinese proverb (curse) says.
It’s definitely not conducive to normal life is it. I do wonder how far it’s all going to go. And Donald Trump is behaving like a Russian asset. OK that sounds like the plot of a new James Bond movie but its very weird. He did say he stop the war in Ukraine before he was in power. Why say it with so much conviction. Mad or Bad? Why the yanks put a man in office that was charged with inciting an insurrection is a mystery to me. Maybe all his department heads will all just be fighting each other for power now. It’s very strange. It seems to be chaos for the sake of it. Others have also noted how remarkably energetic he has been for an oldie. I cant believe its just from playing golf.

A new solo piano tune.

A reasonable couple of goodish days bodywise at least and there is a correlation with staying in bed longer and aching, so I am slowly trying to get into the habit if getting up a little earlier as that seems to help with general aches and pains. Other stuff is as per usual music related doings and but too much time on the computer in between is stressing my mind and body.

I sometimes wonder how I am still here when I think back over some of the incidents that have occured over my lifetime. Some of it has just really weird too. A bed that was tied to the roof of a car in front of me insecurely came off off on a section of dual carriageway and I hit it at 70 mph. It’s amazing how quickly it all turns to splinters when that happens. I was attacked in Battersea Park on my way to work by a druggy with a knife who held it to my throat and I managed to get out of that by talking. I was stalked by a guy with a broken bottle and mugged at Victoria Station at 6pm whilst waiting for a bus in a queue. Not one person attempted to assist or even went to get help. I walked past an IRA bomb in London 30 seconds before it went off and there’s more…. There are a few other things I could add to the list but I just wonder sometimes how it is that my luck held out? Nothing is certain ever.

I look at the world and the dreadful things happening to usually innocent people who’s lives are erased in seconds or lives are changed forever in terrible ways.

So I wonder is everything just random chance, does stuff just happen. Is there any guiding principal in the universe or is just all the random interactions and collisions’ between fundamental particles played out… It can make you crazy if you let it.

Just asking for a friend 🙂

Black abstract art, white background

World On The Brink?

It’s getting very weird out there. Scary times. The world feels much more like it did in the early 60s with massive global instability. So what will this mean to the rest of us watching from the sidelines?

I asked chat GPT and this is what it said:

If the U.S. and Russia were to form an alliance, it would significantly alter the geopolitical landscape and potentially be very dangerous for Europe, though the exact consequences would depend on the specifics of such an alliance and its objectives.

Here are some key concerns:

1. Shifting Alliances and Balance of Power:

  • Europe, particularly NATO members, would face a shift in the balance of power. The U.S. has traditionally been Europe’s primary military ally, but an alliance with Russia could undermine NATO’s influence and cohesion. European countries may feel uncertain about their security guarantees.
  • NATO’s deterrence strategy would be challenged. Russia, as a major military power, aligning with the U.S. could force European countries to reconsider their defense strategies, possibly leading to arms buildups or realignments in Europe.

2. Economic Consequences:

  • The U.S. and Russia aligning could disrupt global markets. Europe, heavily integrated with the U.S. economically, would likely be caught in the middle. This could cause economic instability, particularly for European nations that rely on trade with both powers.
  • Europe might face sanctions or trade barriers, especially if there are disagreements between the European Union and this new U.S.-Russia bloc.

3. Energy and Resource Wars:

  • Europe is heavily dependent on Russian energy, particularly gas. If the U.S. and Russia aligned, Europe might find itself in a precarious position. The energy supply could be used as a tool for leverage in diplomatic negotiations, especially if the U.S. adopts policies that prioritize its own energy production or geopolitical interests.
  • If the alliance leads to shifts in energy pricing or access, it could destabilize European economies, especially in the wake of energy crises like the one sparked by the war in Ukraine.

4. Regional Conflicts and Proxy Wars:

  • The security situation in Europe would become highly uncertain, as countries would be unsure of the motivations of their major partners. If the U.S. and Russia pursue global interests that are in conflict with European priorities, the stability of Europe’s peace architecture could be in jeopardy.
  • Smaller states in Eastern Europe or those on the periphery of Russia might feel particularly vulnerable, as they would be caught between competing powers with opposing interests.

5. Diplomatic Tensions:

  • European leaders may be forced to navigate a more complicated diplomatic terrain. If the U.S. and Russia align, European nations could be torn between maintaining relations with traditional allies (the U.S.) and standing up to Russia in defense of European sovereignty and democratic values.
  • The EU might be divided over how to respond, particularly if this alliance challenges European norms of democracy, human rights, and international law.

6. Potential for Nuclear Escalation:

  • Russia and the U.S. are nuclear superpowers. An alliance could raise concerns about nuclear arms control and global security. While a partnership could theoretically reduce the risk of direct conflict between them, the alliance would also likely shift military focus and increase the potential for the use of force in regions of strategic interest to both powers.

7. Undermining European Autonomy:

  • An alliance between the U.S. and Russia could make European states more dependent on external powers for their security and stability, undermining European autonomy and decision-making ability in international affairs. If such an alliance is formed, Europe might find itself forced to choose between aligning with the U.S.-Russia bloc or risking isolation.

8. Uncertainty in Security Posture:

  • The security situation in Europe would become highly uncertain, as countries would be unsure of the motivations of their major partners. If the U.S. and Russia pursue global interests that are in conflict with European priorities, the stability of Europe’s peace architecture could be in jeopardy.

Overall, while it’s hard to predict every outcome of a U.S.-Russia alliance, it would certainly bring increased instability to Europe, both in terms of military security and economic consequences. It would likely challenge Europe’s political cohesion, security architecture, and economic integration.

Ok nor real surprises there really but here is the bit that is most worrying.

“Europe could become a proxy battleground, as the U.S. and Russia might use European soil or influence to pursue their competing interests, leading to destabilizing conflicts in regions like the Balkans or the Black Sea.”

That could mean state sponsored terrorism and false flag operations.
The danger is very real.

My recent music online

Lions Mane

Lions Mane, does it work? Maybe. I have been taking it for about 3 weeks approx now and I feel it has made me less fatigued and mentally a little sharper, but also less depressed. That’s a major benefit if it really is working. it’s not expensive and it’s been in use for centuries’ apparently so I feel it is worth a go.

A new song:

Wondering If You Could Tell Me

Currently a few things are on the boil and the car is still not running yet, though work is in hand.

One of the hardest things things I have found to deal with is the fact that so many of us are seen as one dimensional figures through the filter of social media. For that reason I am very careful to try and not be dismissive of others as often they may well have a back story and wealth of experience that one is totally unaware of.

Conversely I forget that people will also of course not be aware of much of what I have done, been involved in doing over the years outside the field of music. But it can grate a bit when you have do have technical knowledge and experience in a certain field to have to justify yourself to people that have not even bothered to check their own facts first before starting a debate/argument. I guess that is the human experience.

A friend sadly now no longer with us used to get very upset after doing favours and helping people out to find that rarely if ever was it reciprocal. My friend was a perpetual optimist it must be said but was often taken in believing that everything was transactional. Its difficult to find a balance. I have found people often commit to things that in reality they will not be able to do even if they take a sacred oath or sign a parchment at midnight in blood . So if I am able to help somebody out I try to do it with no expectations of any sort of reward because it seems to be the thing to do. If a little good comes back to me that’s a bonus. Sometimes the people that you have the highest expectations of turn out to be the ones least lightly to throw you a life belt….

It seems to me at present that I am a little bit stuck again and I am not entirely sure what my next move should be. I am not as fatigued as I was at Christmas which is helping. But I am lacking a bit of magic generally. My mission this year has to be to try and make some local acquaintances if not friends. Maybe it’s not possible of course but it’s worth a try. I lost trans friends because a lot of mine transitioned and had GRS and that became there life to the exclusion of other things. By the time they were post op and settled we did not have much on common. As I mentioned many were successful people with there shit together. I was invited on holidays but couldn’t afford it. That sort of thing. There was also a sort of trans apartheid with many separatists who though us non surgical types were frivolous dilettantes to contend with and also 17 years of not being around due to playing gigs. My problems were maybe self inflicted a little as I didn’t give time to my mental health and wellbeing in terms of dealing with gender issues that I could have discussed with others maybe?