Monthly Archives: May 2021

Mostly about a new tune

This is the most recent of my recordings. It’s a  jazz style instrumental with Violin. No surprise there then.

 So what else is new? Not a lot yet but there is a light in the horizon that we are slowly proceeding towards.  Where I reside it is still more like April than may weatherwise annoyingly.    I did record a jazz style track yesterday that sort of came out of nowhere but seems to have worked well in my opinion. Judge for yourself of course.

I was very anxious this morning again. I have managed to get it under control again though. Its definitely in part repressed guilt and trying to block memories and things .My inner puritan is giving me grief. 🙂. And I am having lots of dreams that mean I wake up tired. So I am doing a few comfort zone expanding things that may help. Feel the fear and do it anyway and all that? Though perhaps my comfort zone is a quite compact compared to many folks.  Lockdown has definitely done my brain in hugely as the Donald might have said. I now have a very tense neck. It may be something to do with with the posture correction exercises. Some days are OK but some are diabolical.  

There was an article about people having disturbed dreams and broken sleep since the lockdowns started and I can certainly say I have recently experienced that to a degree. I am having a fair amount of disturbed sleep and wake most mornings feeling groggy and fatigued. The weather is not helping that though.  Everything I do at present does not require leaving these 4 walls which has also had a strange effect on psyche.  The days and week since Christmas 2020 have merged in to a continuous whole where there is no difference between the week and the  weekends.
On the date this is written  it would have been my Friend Ralph Stephensons 75 birthday.  It feels like perhaps  now is the time to try and look forward a bit for a change.  Maybe tomorrow as the song says. 

Diana-Stone Studio.APRIL 2021        

People are out there. Its official.

Its official, there are people out and about and I have even managed to talk to a couple of them.  As part of the start of  my rehabilitation into society in general I met up with possible new musical collaborator. For the moment I shall say nothing, but there may be possibilities.   Due in part to the strange rituals of covid safe Bedford a meeting was arranged in the park.  All good but a mighty tempest threatened to disrupt the proceedings more that a little. However one circuit of the park and a coffee later plans were afoot.  But I shall say know more for now. 

Last  weekend I went to a craft fayre at Jordans Mill near Biggleswade and  things looked almost normal in some respects. Plenty of people milling about but spaced out in the open air of course.

In the last few days I have been trying to get back to a slightly more normal routine. As in actually getting dressed and leaving the apartment before midday to door something however trivial or otherwise.


Mayday Mayday

Love is the answer, maybe?  Or perhaps not. Another month begins and it  is time to attempt the annual reboot. So I have placed an ad for musical collaborators again. I don’y honestly think I will get too much of a response if previous attempts are anything to go by but I have to give it a try. A chink of light as the door cracks open and perhaps is enough to hint at a better tomorrow.  As I write this the sun is shining though its a bit chilly for May. Everything is slightly behind and the blossom is just about out now too.