What Am I Like, You Really Don’t Want To Know.

Yep, my mind is a mixture of quite disturbing thoughts at times. Well it is at the time of writing. My goodness there goes another one. I am all a flutter. Gadzooks. I have been working a lot of trying to improve my fitness post Covid and lockdown and all that jazz. I think its working but I have equally well been getting more and more irritable and impatient to. My life is very quiet compared to how things were 5 years ago when I was still playing regular gigs and a lot of other stuff was also occupying my time too. Now I have time to think. Thinking can lead one to dangerous places which is why perhaps so many people on Facebook, X and so forth don’t even bother to attempt it?

A friend said I seemed irritable. Well lately I think I often am. Mostly with the universe in general. I am quite a full on sort of person when I get going. I can be a bit fiery. Perhaps I am a dragon…I also have to remember not to interject oaths and swearing in my conversations. I am constantly twitchy and tend to fidget. If I were giving a lecture I would be pacing from side to side rather than standing at the podium I think.

Here is a new song. Piano and Vocals. The latest keyboard I have has a really decent piano samples on it that make for a little more subtly that is very apparent on recordings.

Never Again As Friends

When I was younger and very naive I thought I would never understand why people would start to lean on alcohol and drugs as a crutch. Well I think I have it figured out now. I feel I have built a wall between me and the rest of the world. Partly for protection and partly due to just feeling other. I really don’t know what I can do about that now. Passing time has made me cynical too. If I do last a little while longer, I need to make a change or two so that my mind survives in good order even if my body does not.