More Rain Again

Its very wet and not in a good way, like moist or damp may sometimes be when appropriate. Below is a tune that is not a rain dance. Today has been very hard work to be honest and very little has been accomplished. My creative river is depleted to a trickle unlike the deluge outside which gives a steady background accompaniment. So regular and unvaried that it is possible to screen out the sound. Time then for thoughts to intrude and to wonder why things come to pass as they do. The tone of the rain is a little more insistent now than it was. Resilient dark umbrella clad silhouettes pass under the cone of the street light briefly on some serious mission that will not be aborted due to mere matters like excess sky juice.

Welcome 2024, What have you got in store

Dare I even ask. Perhaps I will just wait and see to avoid unnecessary stress as there is no defence against the future, particularly if you are a quantum determinist. Its also at this time of year we always ask ourselves what would Elvis do? Certainly not this. I just remastered this track from 4 years back to see if it could get it a bit more love. Fingers crossed and affirmations made 🙂

As I write this the sky is crying a bit. Rain and lots of it. Again. A typical start to the new year and my birthday month. A day doing obscure stuff in the studio room whilst the wind kicks off mightily outside. Its really unsettling though. I am wobbling uncertainly into 2024.

Is There Hope For The World in 2024?

Here then is a perhaps trivial matter perhaps some might say? Something for you dear reader to think about. I am not so very young so my future is limited. To me recent world events in the last 4 years have been very disheartening. Everything to me feels as though it is going backwards. More polarisation and deep divisions and a lot of “othering” and scapegoating. Society certainly seems to be in so many respects going boldly back to the future, but rather in a rusting Ford Popular than a flying DeLorean. Even though many steps forward have been made there seems to a groundswell of movement to try to turn back the clock.

I am gearing up for a Happy New Year salutation however. With the usual attempted reset. I will try and creep up on it so as not to startle it if at all possible, though if its as skittish as 2023 that may well be too much of a stretch frankly.

Here is a new song:
Going To Hell anyway

Indeed and forsooth. 
A Picasso and a Donkey.

Nerd fact of the day: I am still using a guitar lead that I picked up off the stage at Hammersmith Odeon after a Mick Ronson gig. Its never gone crackly of worn out…. A friend pointed out he won’t be asking for it back now though. I definitely feel Christmased, as in beaten into a festive submission. Ho Ho Ho we have ways of making you merry. Well gov its not working on me. I do feel distinctly non-merry. Perhaps even more so than usual for me at this time of year. The weather is not helping either of course. In my slightly enforced isolation I have been feverishly slaving away attempting to be creative.