Today It’s Hard

Today it’s hard to keep myself going and I will be hibernating before you know it. The walls are closing in a bit now. The news is full of doom and destruction of course. That’s not helpful either. I have been doing my usual daily routine but I am feeling exhausted totally and completely. And a little bit depressed too to be honest. I did have a friday trio gig and that was rather fun though so that has lifted my spirits’ a bit. A joyous racket and happiness ensued.

So Putin’s got a hypersonic missile.
Spoiler alert ⚠

The V2 used in WW2 was a sort of ancestor:
You won’t see or hear it coming. V2s dropped from an altitude of 100–110 km (62–68 mi) at up to three times the speed of sound at sea level (approximately 3,550 km/h (2,206 mph)).

So this new fangled thing was first fangled long ago. The thing is you can’t easily knock out a sub-orbital weapon, so actually you don’t need nukes so much. Just the kinetic energy alone on impact is massive and modern rockets will be faster, maybe 4000 mph.

A solo Piano work in Gb
Diana Stone music 🎶 Some recent recordings below
  • by Diana Stones Glasscage
    Childish Dreaming by Diana Stones Glasscage
  • by Diana Stones Glasscage
    So Convincing In A Cheap Suit by Diana Stones Glasscage
  • by Diana Stones Glasscage
    Remember Me If You Can by Diana Stones Glasscage
  • by Diana Stones Glasscage
    A short Piano piece.
  • by Diana Stones Glasscage
    Blueball by Diana Stones Glasscage
  • by Diana Stones Glasscage
    A Song about loss and anger and lonelyness
  • by Diana Stones Glasscage
    Dreamy Easy Listening music
  • by Diana Stones Glasscage
    Mid tempo song about worrying.
  • by Diana Stones Glasscage
    Horn Again Music by Diana Stones Glasscage
  • by Diana Stones Glasscage
    Too Long Has Passed by Diana Stones Glasscage
  • by Diana Stones Glasscage
    Beginning Of The End by Diana Stones Glasscage

Hallmark films on the TV now, the ordeal of trial by christmas begins…Arghh.
Or worse, reruns of the masked singer with of all things a dancing singing outside toilet.
Truly the stuff of nightmares.

Is it just me? I still have not managed to make any local music connections sadly and I am running out of energy to try at present. I just cannot hang around in pubs waiting for serendipity to strike. Shame but that road seems to be blocked at present. I can’t be bothered to put another ad up before Christmas. Maybe try again in 2025?

Thoughts on the nuts and bolts of creating and writing.

I notice that I seem to do most of my actual recording and mixing in the late afternoon and evening. Writing and practice tends to be during the day. Sometimes I wake up with an idea which I always seem to forget though by the time I have had breakfast. That seems to be my particular pattern/routine though it is not a schedule it seems to have naturally become one in terms of flow? The earliest time I have ever recorded in “proper”studios has around 10.30 am, but nothing useful has occurred until about an hour later on average. I do often think about what I should be doing as opposed to what I am actually doing and surprisingly there’s not much in it. I mostly get to do what I want when I want to which is pretty neat really. So my plan such as it is is just to carry on regardless whilst it’s all still fun.

Today I went for a ride in the (Citroen) Picasso for an hour. We both survived and the engine kept going. So looking like light duty’s from now till next week and if thats OK back to normal service (fates permitting and particularly at this time: If we are spared). Lovely sunny day, cold but very pleasant. At such troubled times as these it feels almost like the Cuban missile crisis again. Or maybe it’s even worse having just read the news? Will Putin’s rage send us all to an early grave. Mad Vlad or just bad Vlad? Tomorrow is another country to paraphrase. Possibly…


 “One must still have chaos in oneself to be able to give birth to a dancing star”. 

 Friedrich Nietzsche

Cracks Around The Edges again

It’s Monday and it felt OK when I work up, not so much now though. Scary old world’s got me down again I am afraid. Depressing business though, old men waging wars for very little logical reason… But that’s not a new thing is it? Everything is a bit weird right now. So here’s a new tune to go with the madness elsewhere. I am trying to fill my time usefully at present but the gloom is creeping into my head a bit. Autumn is OK and beautiful but just not today. Today is miserable wet autumn not romantic warm old gold and red toned autumn sadly. Cheese may help of course 🙂

Just Cause You’re a Bad Person …

The car saga continues, ostensibly it is well again according to the OBC tester but I don’t entirely trust it yet, (it needs a longer run for that) and time pressures mean I have not been able to properly test it at my leisure. I need to be sure of it before doing any motorway miles. Mildly frustrating I must admit. If only there was a similar device I could plug into my brain to clear my own personal fault codes 😂 Sometimes I talk too much and also often too little, but frequently with no filter.