But wait there’s more. Almost the end of January now and the days are getting a little longer too. Thats nice. Its light till nearly 6 and today was a sunny day. I am fighting the winter malaise a little bit though.
Just Do As I Say, Not What I Do
13.7 billion years is the most recent calculated age of the universe but the carbon atoms in our bodies are mere youngsters at 6-7 billion years old. I feel like one of those robots in a 1950s sci-fi film muttering does not compute as sparks flew and my circuits burned out when I read that.
But there are many people that don’t believe it and today dear reader I found out I knew one of them. Somebody with a college education. I can’t really get my head around that.
6000 year old earth. Nope I don’t think so.
Pascal’s wager is a philosophical argument advanced by Blaise Pascal (1623–1662), seventeenth-century French mathematician, philosopher, physicist, and theologian.[1] This argument posits that individuals essentially engage in a life-defining gamble regarding the belief in the existence of God. Pascal contends that a rational person should adopt a lifestyle consistent with the existence of God and actively strive to believe in God. The reasoning behind this stance lies in the potential outcomes: if God does not exist, the individual incurs only finite losses, potentially sacrificing certain pleasures and luxuries. However, if God does indeed exist, they stand to gain immeasurably, as represented for example by an eternity in Heaven in Abrahamic tradition, while simultaneously avoiding boundless losses associated with an eternity in Hell.
Mind how you go 🙂