Category Archives: music

Delta ladies are out tonight and tommorow too

Delta ladies are out tonight and tommorow too.

We are at the Pear and Partridge at London Colney tonight starting at 09:00 with special guest Terry McInearney on Drums.
Tomorrow Friday 26th We are at Olivers Jazz Bar Nevada St Greenwich Starting at about  10:00
Terry Mc Inearney on drums and Robbie Charles on Double Bass. O’yesss….

Marching onward

Lots of gigs, lots of stuff happening, and a lot of very late nights too. interestingly I seem to be picking up a bit of interest on from the look of the stats there. My average listener is between 30 & 40 and mostly lives in the US, which is cool.

If your at a loose end why not give me a visit on and just type in Diana Stone. or paste this in your browser
End of commercial break.

Wearing my other Elephant Shelf & Delta Ladies hats. Elephant Shelf is now also available on so have do have a look.
Elephant Shelf now also has a blog though their is not much to see yet, but there will be soon.