Category Archives: whatever

Stuf that I can’t fit anywhere else…

Lyrics That Escape Us

Sneaky things words, they tend to escape and evade me. Going back a few years I could always write a reasonable lyric but my minds a blank now it seems.  Sometimes I wake up with an idea and its gone before I have a chance to write it down.  Brain fog or depression? Maybe. 

The world seems quiet and subdued to me but for many its just starting up again. I dont have a routine to step back into unlike many others.
I cant get off the starting line and I have tried all the usual tricks but nothings worked. Even for an old cynic like me that’s been a shock. 
My mind is wandering the halls of memories and replaying all sorts of things. Perhaps its simply due to a lack of novelty or fresh input generally? Conversations we cannot have now with absent friends and what we might have said are in the mix as well. Replaying endlessly. I do hope these feelings go away but for the last 6 months they have remained constant and seemingly immutable. 
Am I selfish to miss my old friends so much? Maybe but I do. A lot.  

So what else have I been doing then? Working on 3 or 4 tunes and practicing a lot too.
Also doing some remote project recording’s.  So not entirely idle in truth. The landscaping opposite moves on at quite a pace now, but I even so I dont think it will be finished before autumn somehow. I feel somehow its like the path outside Frodo’s house in LOTR and when ready may lead to adventures, though what sort I cannot imagine  🙂

Our posh boy PM is making an announcement on Monday June 28th re July unlocking dates. Looking  like it wont be early release though. It will be 18 months now since the first restrictions came into force and with 80% of the adult population having antibodies to covid surely its time to let rip. 





Lost the plot if there was one

I have lost the plot recently to some extent. The usual fight with depression and anxiety. I looked back to see what I was doing recording and writing wise last Autumn and Winter. It was quite a lot of material. Some times 8 tracks a month or more. An insane amount really. Now emotionally things have calmed down and I have stopped frantic though actually quite productive activity. So I need to take a few chances with regard to other people and influences, with other ideas. I need people to bounce ideas off. I think I could have handled the bereavements OK if we hadn’t suffered the covid lockdowns. That was the one step beyond I think. Previously when I have felt like this the routine obligations have kept me going but now there are none. Everything is on tap and if I were to order food to be delivered I would not have any reason to leave the premises. That might work for some folks. The paradox is I need to connect with people but I am rubbish at that sort of thing. I am having to try to improve those skills now of necessity as I always relied on have one or two friends that were a gateway to a social life. So a weird combination of events has lead me to this. I grant that it may be the case that its me and a million others in manys of course. 

So I know what’s up, but I can’t see how to fix it. I have found a few more useful strengthening exercises for my arms, which are weak due to my back problems. Just started them and they do hurt a bit but long term they should help get me back on track with a bit of luck..

Still rusty and creaking.

Despite my best efforts I am still plagued with aches and pains and its tiring.  
After playing for 2 hours and 2 hours driving yesterday for  a rehearsal and a  recording, I  felt great when I got home yesterday but I am very stiff and aching this morning. I don’t feel so tired though and I slept better without waking up several times. I have added a couple of new moves to the exercise routine from today. So maybe that will help a little. Its irritating as you think there is an improvement and then suddenly it feels like you are back where you started from.  I am sure though this is a familiar experience to so many of us of course.

I note that  many people are doing outdoor gigs at the same local places they used to play at again. I have looked but there still doesn’t’ really  seem to be much locally. its a good sign though of course. Efforts to get some local interested musicians to play live with  are somewhat stalled at present  though which is frustrating.  It is the time of year for people to be  going on holidays and so forth of course. I do hope by late summer there is some possibility of something to get involved in locally at least.