Yes we did. Its melting now very quickly as if it had never been. I did some ill advised DIY and am still suffering the physical consequences of that a day or so later. Also it was not 100% successful either to add insult to injury. Horses for courses and all that I guess. Just remember not to ask for the chief’s special source unless you are a really good friend. Somethings change but for us mere mortals much is constant as the northern star in our perceptions of time passing. It is a tough world and it’s going backwards as more and more its run by morons, incompetents’ and quislings and people fearful of their own position who won’t do right by us.
“And Why Not?”
I am heading towards my 68th birthday in a few days time if I am spared. How did that happen! Not something I ever imagined or conceived of really. I have felt a bit stretched recently, old and worn though so who knows. So its keep calm and carry on day to day for me as much as possible I guess. So write and record music learn and material and practice it for my cover bands I play with. That’s mostly what I do these days. I have been thinking about going into video blogging a bit but wonder if I have really got much to say that others have not already said more eloquently?
My impromptu plumbing (which still has a minor leak) and stuff seems to have messed with my arms and back a bit. I have lost a lot strength. I didn’t realise quite how much. I might have put a bit too much welly in to it. I need to be a bit careful now I guess. Legs are good, hands are good but my arms just haven’t got the mojo anymore. I don’t mind a bit of a chill out as things are. I still feel I am recovering from Christmas. Every year in the run up to my Birthday I tend to hit a low of some sort. It must just be a seasonal thing I guess and I have a sad lamp which I believe helps a bit. I am on a bit of a go slow at present to be honest. I use music notation much more now than I used to for my own material that I develop as it does make life a lot easier to keep track of things especially when you have other distractions and diversions and concentration is not quite so focused anymore.
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