Autumn Musings

Yes indeed, mists and mellow fruitfulness, all’s right with the world, god’s in his heaven, and all that, or is it?

Would you credit it. Got off the loo and my backs started acting up. I was possibly going to Esquires as someone I know was guesting with a band from @5.00 but it will be way too uncomfortable. Curses. I wonder what get off the toilet ninja moves set that off.. Actually toilet ninja sounds like one of those wonder cleaning which claims to harness the power of the atom and blast the germs to oblivion whilst simultaneously polishing it so bright that you will need sunglasses.

And in other news… Cat herding, can it be done? We demand to know. Lots of musical projects with various people but all of them seem to be stalled at present. Just a tad frustrating but hey one day maybe. Is it me are kids getting much taller now? I went to the shop and as I came out the the kids were getting of the school bus and I swear they were all tall as me or taller. We must be feeding them too much 🙂

Today I started recording a jazz thing that I suspect I will regret. It sounds OK but the next part is to add will be violin. I suspect it will take some effort to get it right. But not tonight. No doubt I will post it on my blog when it’s cooked but there is a way to go yet.

My partner is away on a residential course for a week as I write this, so it is very quiet and also I have no rehearsals coincidentally, so I am left to social media and my own devices for company
I have just watched 2 episodes of Ghosts on BBC Iplayer. Its very funny. I had not watched it when it was first aired and a friend recommended it to me as a bit of light relief and indeed it is.

Those were the days, my friends we thought they would never end…