Monthly Archives: April 2020

Music and Recordings from 2020

Some of my latest recordings from this year are listed below. Click and enjoy
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Hiding In Your Shadow

If you are enjoying the music

Actually a lot of the music is up beat and optimistic so figure that one out, I wish I could.Perhaps because music takes me to another place that I can not otherwise occupy, or maybe at the best of times opens a doorway for me. I think I have drifted through every musical style in the history of Mankind, ( personkind perhaps, or am I getting a bit Californian ) as I have always been interested in almost every sort of music from pop to the musicals and the classics. 


Band/artist history

Almost a band so many times, but now back to being a solo artist with a virtual band. I am looking to put together a live outfit that will play under the name Diana Stone’s Glass Cage as I have musicians that I can borrow occasionally for this when they are not too busy.

Being a multi-instrumentalist it’s difficult often to reproduce the kind of stuff I record in live performance so if if you do get to hear a live version of a Glass Gage song it may sound a little different until cloning is perfected.


Musical influences

A little bit of everything just missed being a child of the sixties, so lots of early prog rock, but also a lot of folk, a bit of jazz, and anything slightly of the beaten track.So Sounds a bit like King Crimson and Its a Beautiful day in some places. Any one remember Gong there were great too Also I did not realize but lots of old Hippie music influences too have managed to creep into the melange as well.


Into The Woods – a film by Invisible Folk

A recent project I have been privileged to be involved in.

Invisible Folk are Jon Bickley & Steve Yarwood. For more info about what we’ve done, what we’re doing now and what we’ll be doing in the future please visit We made a film to complement the ‘Under The Same Sky’ art exhibition that would have opened at the Higgins Bedford Museum at the beginning of April 2020. Paintings of landscape, nature and weather in Bedfordshire were going on show before COVID-19 closed all the galleries and museums. Lots of new music was written, some of it is in this film which will be shown alongside the exhibition when the museum reopens. All songs and music on the soundtrack were composed by Jon Bickley
Musicians: Jon Bickley – Vocal & Guitar
Diana Stone – Violin
Russell Eyre – Guitar
Alexandra Reynolds – Voice
Filmed by Hannah Lovell Film Editing by Matt Fleming (Minus Tone) For contact details and more information please go to our website and leave a message via the Contacts page. Please keep an eye on the Invisible Folk YouTube Channel…

A recent project I have been privileged to be involved in.