Category Archives: music

I just really like this picture

In full flow at the Mermaid in St Albans
In full flow at the Mermaid in St Albans

At last a good Rock & Roll picture… 

Taken by Roger Morton.
He takes great Photos which you
can see here. 

Elephant Shelf accompanying Glenn Patrik on his first UK Gig

Finally begining to crack

OK I think I am out of gas now, maybe its just the effect of not having the normal mood medication due to having the flu, but I feel really strange and I need some help from someone outside my present circle. My mind is clear as long as I am dealing with other matters than my own problems, which I seem to be spectacularly bad at just now. I keep getting these really odd moments when I think I can actually dig my way out of this hole the way other people do but it seems that for me that just being able to to use the abilities which I do have that are not too shabby is nowhere near enough to do the job.It is said that people rise to there own level of incompetence. I believe that I have transcended most levels of incompetency and moved to a point where I can delude myself sufficiently to go repeating the same  mistakes. I have no real confidence that there is any point in trying to do anything now as trying and not trying seem to have produce the same outcome. There is a message being sent to me but maybe I am simply not getting it. What makes things worse is that I can see the possibility of the way things could be and its always just that little bit out of reach.

Perfection or sterilty

Bob Dylan has got a funny voice, wait I here you scream. Sacrilege! OK he is a genius, but he has got very a characteristic sound and manner that might well cause him to be rejected from the X factor auditions without a moments notice. Tom Waites? OK so my point is this. Should everything be pasteurized and homogenized and diluted and refined to the point of blandness to reach some anodyne notion of popular art. Well if its art no, but what if its entertainment with only a small a for art. Is it worth being true to your artistic conception or should you just take the money and run,(or just walk very fast without drawing too much attention to oneself) and what if you just want to be an artist?