I seem to be afflicted with a dose of too much introspection at the moment.I am trying to work out a plan here on the off chance that I am still extant in a couple of years.
The one thing in life that is certain is that nothing stays the same and the more one try’s to hold to the good things the more stuff slips through your fingers. Forward is the only way to go if you can.
Everyday I am surprised by how little I really know about people.
On the net with so many peoples real identities often masked or obscured it makes you wonder what lies behind the nature of some of the more vociferous postings. I find particularly amusing the degree of certainty in some peoples convictions as though they have a total understanding of the world. To them it would appear everything is simple, and it is only those that hold other views who are sadly misguided on matters of politics, religion, or any moral issues. O how blessed to be so sure of everything and that you are right, it must be a wondrous state to exist in, and other mere mortals like myself can only wonder at their awesome powers and infallibility. If there is dissent they have only to repeat themselves or shout louder.
Strangely away from the world of the net and the LCD screens this approach does not seem to work in quite the same way. Such things are of course a mystery to simple folk like me.
It is also interesting how those same knowledgeable folk can know immediately that ones own direct experience of the world is invalid where as everything that they may utter should be taken as truth. At times of frustration they will quote from appropriate sources with great erudition when their “Truth” is disputed.
Still I am a neophyte having only been on this earth 56 years and having of course in that time learnt nothing and been mistaken about everything that I have experienced which I have of course misinterpreted.
Pity me, where will I find guidance 😉
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