In the doldrums’ again. Floating towards the sargasso weed slowly getting stuck.
My moods unaccountably low this week, tired and irritable. Somewhat depressed, and it’s a struggle to get out of bed. I am using all the normal tricks of the trade, but mentally is been a hard week. Or is it just ennui? Talking of which here is a track called “Ennui 11” 🙂
Which implies the existence of ennui 1 to 10.
And it is still raining here.
Welcome to:
Ferenginar the capital planet of the Ferengi Alliance, best known for having nearly constant, planet-wide torrential rains, rotting vegetation, and rivers of muck. Due to the near-constant levels of torrential rain, the buildings are kept under domes, which help keep the resident Ferengi dry.
OK it’s not that bad here yet to be fair.
I feel like I have achieved very little this week over all. I have felt tired and slightly unwell for most of it though. Maybe tomorrow and all that?