Do you remember the rest of that line. if you do congratulations you are vintage.
Don’t deny it.

The Invisible Folk Club Band – Jon Bickley, Milo Downs, Diana Stone and Bill Nimmo – playing at the Cowper and Newton Museum yesterday as part of Invisible Folk’s Grace will lead me home project. Thanks to the Museum and thanks to the Arts Council. Photos by Jean Yarwood.
So I am still keeping sort of busy at the time of writing. We have had a few very hot days which have knocked me out pretty much. I don’t have the resilience I used to sadly. Bouncing back is now more of a leisurely stroll or occasionally a crawl.
I watched Elton John’s farewell show at Glastonbury on the Tv and realised that I had first seen him perform live 50 years ago. Wow, times flies. It was a pretty good effort and 2 hours worth. His voice still distinctive though avoiding some of the high notes and playing up a storm on the Piano. So many good songs too. Echos for me now of a very different part of my life and I guess the same for many others.
Here is a tune from about a year back. it’s got some violin on it. That’s a surprise.
Stuckness, what’s to be done about it?
That feeling that you could fix it if only and you will get right on it tomorrow. Or rather you would but, you know? Stuff. I am not bored at present so I can’t complain too much I guess. My main concern next will be if I can keep my car on the road another year. Mot is at the end of Sept but that could be a problem. But I can only cross that bridge when I come to it. having working out an Elton John style basis for a tune using some of his harmonic tricks. It wont sound like him when its grown up but its a useful trick to plagiarise a bit when not inspired. I am still very tired. I suppose it’s better than being anxious though.
it strikes me that most of my music mates (good bad or genius) play because it still brings them joy and others too at times. The great secret (the holy grail) really is not to overthink it but it takes a long time to learn that if one can at all. Many never do. It’s the doing that’s the important bit I guess.
Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them humanity cannot survive.
Dalai Lama
Don’t forget to love yourself.
Soren Kierkegaard
Sleepy time again