
It won’t be the meek or the poor that inherit the earth if the worst-case scenario happens

It’s been good whilst it lasted and it’s a pity that it must end now but the war is lost, not just the battle. We have allowed ourselves to be lied to and we no longer believe the evidence of our senses or the logic of our own minds. We are told that its now the done thin to jump off a cliff so we line up making sure to take a selfie whilst we do so of course. Do we even have enough sensibility left to realise the errors of our ways as we plunge to our doom? Possibly not as everybody’s doing it and it would be perhaps seen as churlish to seem ungrateful to our masters as we sacrifice ourselves to engine of their greed.
Is Donald Trump a bad joke or is he really the ultimate useful idiot?  When you look at his core demographic, what you see are disenfranchised and often not so well educated people that have a limited perspective about the world past the end of their county line. People who are ripe for manipulation and unlikely to question the ideas that they already have. I was stunned to find on a Facebook a guy with a young family who was a school teacher who believed the earth was flat.  What effect will a teacher like that have on kids?  But then in a world where creationism is taught in schools as a fact I suppose that anything is possible.  In such a world would people believe in the validity of a limited nuclear war? With such a partial world view, (in every sense) perhaps they would.

Almost a million people around the world have a net worth of $10 million or more. It won’t be the meek or the poor that inherit the earth if the worst-case scenario happens. It’s not that hard to start to believe in a conspiracy.
In communication on a forum I know (as much as one can know anyone without meeting them) someone who is successful in their field, has a good home, money and a family, but who believes on fundamental level that as a human being they have rights that others don’t. That’s not the way that I see the world, but it seems I am in the minority much of the time. That someone believes that I am envious, because they cannot understand another way of being.  To them people are either successes or failures and who wants to be a failure. As Donald would say “that’s sad”.

We don’t have a Donald in the UK of course, but we have similar levels of stupidity sans doubt.

OK these are my fears, and I thought writing them down would make them diminish, but as I write they just get big bigger and start to be discernible clearly in the corners that were shadowy before.

This is where its at . 14.79%