Monthly Archives: October 2009

I just really like this picture

In full flow at the Mermaid in St Albans
In full flow at the Mermaid in St Albans

At last a good Rock & Roll picture… 

Taken by Roger Morton.
He takes great Photos which you
can see here. 

Elephant Shelf accompanying Glenn Patrik on his first UK Gig

Finally begining to crack

OK I think I am out of gas now, maybe its just the effect of not having the normal mood medication due to having the flu, but I feel really strange and I need some help from someone outside my present circle. My mind is clear as long as I am dealing with other matters than my own problems, which I seem to be spectacularly bad at just now. I keep getting these really odd moments when I think I can actually dig my way out of this hole the way other people do but it seems that for me that just being able to to use the abilities which I do have that are not too shabby is nowhere near enough to do the job.It is said that people rise to there own level of incompetence. I believe that I have transcended most levels of incompetency and moved to a point where I can delude myself sufficiently to go repeating the same  mistakes. I have no real confidence that there is any point in trying to do anything now as trying and not trying seem to have produce the same outcome. There is a message being sent to me but maybe I am simply not getting it. What makes things worse is that I can see the possibility of the way things could be and its always just that little bit out of reach.

a fly in the ointment of existence

Am I mearly a fly in the ointment of existence? I have had a couple of recent knock backs that have rocked me a bit.That plus a dose of flu and and a new level of insight have left me wondering what the best course of action is? I have been looking at jobs outside the music arena and I have applied for around 30 in about 2 weeks. So far out of 30 the score is 1 interview, I canceled interview and 2 no thank you very much. I understand that at present it takes about 200 applications to get a job, so I guess I need to pull my finger out a bit really. I like to cling to the possibly misguided notion that I do have some saleable skills but of course these may simply be delusional episodes.