January Addendum

But wait there’s more. Almost the end of January now and the days are getting a little longer too. Thats nice. Its light till nearly 6 and today was a sunny day. I am fighting the winter malaise a little bit though.

Just Do As I Say, Not What I Do

13.7 billion years is the most recent calculated age of the universe but the carbon atoms in our bodies are mere youngsters at 6-7 billion years old. I feel like one of those robots in a 1950s sci-fi film muttering does not compute as sparks flew and my circuits burned out when I read that.
But there are many people that don’t believe it and today dear reader I found out I knew one of them. Somebody with a college education. I can’t really get my head around that.
6000 year old earth. Nope I don’t think so.

Pascal’s wager is a philosophical argument advanced by Blaise Pascal (1623–1662), seventeenth-century French mathematician, philosopher, physicist, and theologian.[1] This argument posits that individuals essentially engage in a life-defining gamble regarding the belief in the existence of God. Pascal contends that a rational person should adopt a lifestyle consistent with the existence of God and actively strive to believe in God. The reasoning behind this stance lies in the potential outcomes: if God does not exist, the individual incurs only finite losses, potentially sacrificing certain pleasures and luxuries. However, if God does indeed exist, they stand to gain immeasurably, as represented for example by an eternity in Heaven in Abrahamic tradition, while simultaneously avoiding boundless losses associated with an eternity in Hell.

Mind how you go 🙂

last song for January

Yep, it’s another one.

How Do You Think You Will Keep Us Safe

Rudely awoken by the forlorn 60 sec chirp of the smoke alarm back-up battery warning (unit is mains power but has backup if power fails), so just replaced that. Supposed to be replaced in 2027. Don’t make them like they used to… I am always worried levering open plastic stuff as you have to use a combo of buite force but only just enough to avoid snapping the lugs on the fuckers. Thankfully YouTube showed me the precise way to remove the unit I had.

I watched a bit of Holocaust memorial but its too much for me. I feel I ought to watch but I do remember them. Which is why I find the carpet bombing of Gaza so extraordinary.Has Trump suggesting that gaza be ethnically cleansed? U.S. President Donald Trump has indeed made comments that many have interpreted as suggesting ethnic cleansing in Gaza. He spoke about relocating Palestinians from Gaza, specifically mentioning that he would like Egypt and Jordan to accept more Palestinian refugees. Trump’s exact words included the phrase “we just clean out that whole thing,” which has been widely criticized as endorsing or encouraging ethnic cleansing. Here’s a breakdown of the perspectives: Critics’ View: Many observers, including human rights groups, independent journalists, and political analysts, have accused Trump of advocating for ethnic cleansing. They argue that his proposal to “clean out” Gaza implies the forced removal of its Palestinian population, which would be a severe violation of human rights and international law. Critics see this as a continuation of policies or rhetoric that aim to diminish Palestinian presence in the region.

Looks like the musical side of things is picking up a bit generally trend wise. So I may be overall doing more gigs than I expected. Plus online music plays are much increased too. I just have to keep a light hand on the tiller ⛵ We also had a visit from next door neighbour asking if we knew where his stopcock was. For us british folk that will never cease to be funny. Childish I know 🙂

You Can’t Make People Like You

I have temporarily taken car off the market to look at other ways to shift it. I think I was a bit too honest in my advert. I may even get it fixed 🙂 So onto plan B. I have a friend. No seriously I really do. Actually one. Not imaginary…
My main problem over the years has been this. Socialising outside my peer group was difficult as I was always doing something else. You get a dinner party invite, but you can’t go as you have a gig for example. Yes most people I know are artists/musicians to a degree of course. But also a few people I know actually pretty much straight hetero pensioners, but not ones that are massive football fans for example(though some are). To me acceptance is the same a tolerance. One can feel isolated of course.

I am trying to get things on an even keel again. My finances are screwed temporally though as ever. I have pumped out a lot of music (particularly over the last 3 years) and on some of it the mixes are not as good as they could be. Taking it a bit slower is maybe the answer to that but also getting some of the other distractions out of my head that are nagging me somewhat. My head’s still pretty much in turmoil right now. The Trump thing blows my mind though I expected it to happen it’s bizarre and verging on the surreal. Turkeys voting for christmas isn’t even the half of it.

We all need to make a living so what would you do? What is your line in the sand never to be crossed? When does harmless fun become toxic. We all sell something, serve someone and how much do we actually value ourselves?
So many questions and so few answers.
Time races by faster and faster. We try to get older and more disgraceful if we are spared. Well at least I do anyway.