It is a bit brighter here now. The Daffodils are out on the veranda. Here is a song for you all.
I was thinking the other day about ways to save money when it hit me. For whatever time is left to me I will probably be OK financially if western civilisation does not collapse. Obvious of course and I won’t be going on any world cruises but short of that money is not the worry it was. if I get overdrawn occasionally who cares Its all a game init. So we might as well enjoy what we can? I won a competition for best Instrumental with a streaming service music website I used. Thats nice as I usually don’t win things. It has a small but useful prize. $120 of promotions. Cool.
I have been using a mood tracking app for about 18 days or so now and It’s already showing what looks like it might be a pattern of mood swings. They are not related to events it seems. I won’t know much until I have used it for about 3 months or so but there is a sort of just over a week cycle of Irritability and anxiety looking at what I can see so far. So I suspect it’s not going to be something I can do much about predicting other than I feel Ok for about 4 to 5 days then wallop I get stressed and anxious and/or depressed. Well I sort of knew that already…
I think what it is started to show is that its not connected much to external triggers so avoiding doing things that I think might stress/upset me may not have any effect. But once I have got the pattern established I should be able to predict it a little and that may be useful for me. Because its fast cycling bi-polar with added extra anxiety. The difficult part to manage is the manic side and the irritability that goes with it. that causes far more problems than the depressive part of the cycle.
I just woke up after dosing of at the computer and wrote a little tune on the piano (just came straight into my head out of the blue), so I have been hastily scribbling it down. It may well be a song about to bud… Having some ability to write and read music is really useful at times.
A friend brings up the old chestnut of there being no free speech, whilst at the same time writing about it on Facebook.
People in the shadows will remain there. It terms of restrictions nobody I know of is stopped from saying anything in the UK. I can if I so whish criticise publicly anyone be they prince or pauper or cat or king. There are rules allowing whistle blowers in large organisations and government to bring to light issues. Free Speech is not a licence to oppress or insult or abuse minority’s or to make false accusations with no consequence. There are some people who have restrictions on what they can talk about in government, the civil service, forces and so forth but only in relation to specific areas of their work.
You have free speech demonstrably being able to write what you wish in public in the UK.
What you do not have is the right to make public allegations that may be deliberately false or malicious or to make threats of violence or death threats.
I have had blogs and websites starting in 1998. In all that time nobody has ever stopped me from publishing opinions on anything. For part of that time I worked at the Home Office and the only restrictions I was under related to information directly related to my work that could have potentially been used for criminal or malicious purposes.
The biggest problem, (but it has always been so) is that most media news outlets are not independent of course.
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